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Student Activities and Events

Current issues in health care

We occasionally host a speaker at Rush to present on a current topic in health care. Topics range in subject but are often generated by student initiative and interest. All current students are invited.

Interprofessional education

Interprofessional education (IPE) refers to occasions when students from two or more professions in health and social care learn together during all, or part of, their professional training. The object is to cultivate collaborative practice for providing client- or patient-centered health care. Throughout the year, the Office of Student Life and Engagement will facilitate these opportunities for the students.

Programming series

The Office of Student Life and Engagement is implementing a programming series for Rush students that will focus on a wide range of health-related issues.

Roundtable discussions

Rush roundtables will provide students the opportunity to gather in small, interdisciplinary groups to discuss an identified theme. Discussions will be facilitated by guest session leaders. Students will be provided lunch, and all roundtables are held from noon to 1 p.m. unless otherwise noted.


The Office of Student Life and Engagement houses archives of handouts and speaker videos from different events.

Contact the Office of Student Life and Engagement if you have any questions.