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Visiting Physicians


RUSH welcomes and offers visiting resident rotations from other institutions for four (4) week rotations in a broad array of services that foster the growth of medical knowledge through patient care.

The Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office must approve all rotations pending availability in the department/division where the training will occur. Approval is at the discretion of GME and the department/division. If approved, an online application packet is sent to the Visiting Resident to be completed at least 90 days before the rotation start date. Delays in satisfying onboarding requirements result in a forfeiture of the rotation or postponement.

RUSH GME accepts visiting residents from Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited residency and fellowship programs in the United States. Visiting residents must be licensed in Illinois through the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR).

GME does not administer or manage: 

  • Observerships 
  • Visiting Clerkships 
  • Visiting Scholars 
  • Visiting Student Researchers 


Rotation Eligibility Requirements

House staff must complete at least one year of accredited residency training and be in at least their second year of training to qualify. 

Rush GME accepts visiting residents from Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited residency and fellowship programs in the United States. All rotations for visiting residents must be approved by your home institution, the RUSH specialty program, and the GME Office.  


Licensing Requirements

Please review the following information for in-state visiting residents or out-of-state visiting residents. Licensing requirements for out-of-state visiting residents are lengthy and require an Illinois license application submission.

In-State Physicians

The visiting resident from an Illinois institution must hold a valid IL medical license, either a temporary or permanent license. 

Out-of-State Physicians

When the Rush GME Office approves a rotation, an out-of-state visiting resident must apply for an Illinois license. All license applications must be submitted to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) 90 days before the rotation start date.  

There are two licensing options:

Limited Temporary License (code #130) (recommended)

A Limited Temporary License covers the exact dates of the rotation.

Before submitting an initial licensing application online through the IDFPR Online Services Portal, you must complete the following supplemental forms to upload to your online license application. The licensing process is prolonged, and we recommend you complete these forms first. 

  • TEMP-LTD 130 Form: 
    • Section 1 – 3: Your personal information (name, DOB, SSN).  
    • Part A-F: Your training program’s information (institution’s name, address, specialty). In sections B and C, you will need to provide your residency’s start and anticipated end date. Example: started on 7/1/2020 and ends on 6/30/2023.  
    • Seal/Notary: Your program must provide an institutional seal or notarize the licensing application and return to the Rush GME Office to complete the bottom section.
  • CT Form (Certification by Licensing Agency/Board): Applicants will complete sections 1 – 8c of the CT Form and forward it to your home licensing agency. Your home licensing agency/board will complete parts I – IV. The licensing agency/board will return the form directly to you to upload to the IDFPR Online Services Portal or send it directly to the IDFPR via email.

Once you have completed the required supplemental documents, submit the initial application online through the IDFPR Online Services Portal. When the license application is submitted, you can periodically review for updates or deficiencies on your license application through the IDFPR Online Services Portal and your email. 

Licensing fee is $130.00 and is self-funded and non-refundable. 

For any questions or concerns, please contact a Rush GME member.  

Permanent License (code #036)

A permanent license (code # 036) is valid for up to three years (depending on issuance date). This is the best option if you plan to move to/stay in/return to Illinois often. 

If you decide to apply for a permanent license, please refer to our permanent license instructional checklist


Onboarding Process

Once the rotation is approved by the GME office, you must complete the online visiting resident application. The application is sent to a visiting resident's primary email by a GME member via MedHub (check all email folders). The information from the application is needed to generate Rush accounts and register the trainee for Epic training. 

The GME Office requires a minimum of 90 days to complete the onboarding process.

Required Documents

  1. Visiting Resident application in MedHub
  2. Curriculum Vitae 
  3. Illinois Medical License
  4. Letter of Permission from your home program 
  5. Certificate of HIPAA compliance 
  6. Certificate of Malpractice Coverage 
  7. ECFMG Certificate (if applicable)
  8. Immunization records


Epic Training

Epic training is required for all new visiting physicians, even if your home institution uses Epic, and training details are provided separately. If you have previously rotated at RUSH, Epic training is waived.

Contact Us

Visiting House Staff Contact