Mark Your Calendar – Rush Otolaryngology Global Health Symposium on Friday, May 3, 2024.
The Department of Otolaryngology at Rush is hosting a free, virtual symposium for otolaryngologists, fellows, and residents.
This conference promises to offer a new opportunity for the global otolaryngology community to engage, teach, and share best practices in regard to current research, relevant topics, effective strategies, and innovation with the goal of creating quality global OHNS health care and delivery.
The morning session will feature ten talks by ENT physicians with expertise in global health. The afternoon session will feature a keynot talk - "Exploring A New Paradigm in Global Surgical Education" by Dr. Joshua Wiedermann of Mayo Clinic, followed by an opportunity for students to present their research. Students interested in giving oral presentations should submit abstracts HERE by April 15th at 5pm.
Rush sends an otolaryngology team on two global health trips per year to the Dominican Republic where Rush has a well-established presence and a strong relationship with the local community. Residents can participate in one of these week-long trips during their residency. Funding for the trip is provided by global health scholarships and the Department of Otolaryngology. The time spent on the global health trip does not count toward a resident’s vacation time.
Global Health Track
For residents who would like to make a greater commitment to global health and care of medically underserved people, Rush Otolaryngology offers a global health track. Interested residents can apply for to admission to this track in the second half of their PG1 year. The global health track has three core components:
- Participation in a global health trip in both the PG2 and PG4 years of training
- Implementation and publication of a global health quality improvement project
- Serving as a leader and coordinator for the Otolaryngology Department at a Rush-sponsored clinic treating the underserved in Chicago.
The global health track includes two one-week experiences abroad when residents will learn about and provide surgical otolaryngology care for a population in an underserved community. These trips are bridged by a longitudinal care experience in a Rush-sponsored clinic for the underserved in Chicago. The resident will develop a quality improvement project after the first global health trip to be implemented during the second trip and submitted for publication upon completion.
The otolaryngology global health site director is Ashok Jagasia, MD who has been actively engaged in global and community health for many years. He has made multiple surgical trips to the Dominican Republic and has participated in several projects in rural India. He has also been working with the homeless population in Chicago.
As they train in the global health track, residents will become able to assess the needs of the community they will be serving and develop strategies for improving otolaryngology care in that community. They will participate in the process of mobilizing and utilizing resources to support the logistics and planning of a surgical global health trip. Residents in the track will also develop awareness of the unique professional responsibilities and ethical challenges of practicing surgical care on a time and resource limited global health trip.