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Laboratory of Jeffrey A. Borgia, PhD

Dr. Jeffrey Borgia Lab

Jeffrey A. Borgia, PhD, is a graduate of the Biochemistry Graduate program at the University of Minnesota where he performed research in the field of proteoglycan biosynthesis in the laboratory of Dr. Theodore R. Oegema, Jr. During his post-doctoral studies, he collaborated with Dr. Gregg B. Fields where he explored the production of matrix metalloproteinases by melanoma cells when adhered to synthetic ‘mini-collagens’ as well as tumor cell aggressiveness. In 2002, Dr. Borgia joined the faculty at Rush in the Department of Biochemistry and launched his program focused on cancer biology and the development of novel diagnostic tests with Dr. John S. Coon, IV in the Department of Pathology. He is currently continuing these studies with appointments in both the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology and Department of Pathology.

Our work

  • Development of novel serum biomarkers as companion diagnostics for lung cancer screening programs for the promotion the early detection of lung cancer.
  • Profile autoantibody expression related to early pulmonary malignancies and common pulmonary diseases.
  • Investigate mechanisms underlying tumor metastasis to better prognosticate patient outcomes and to identify novel biochemical targets for pharmaceutical development.
  • Study the mechanisms of cancer cachexia in lung cancer
  • Elucidate the autoimmunity paradigm in relation to lung cancer progression and in the context of immune-checkpoint inhibition strategies provided to patients with advanced-stage disease.
  • Pioneer new methods to enhance the delivery and long-term storage of blood-based (protein) biomarkers for diagnostic applications of the detection/prognosis of malignancies and pulmonary disease.
  • Serological surveys of populations for Covid-19, including assessments of immunity and vaccine potency.

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Technology and methods

  • Agilent 6495 QQQ Mass Spectrometer with Agilent 1290 UHPLC system
  • Luminex FlexMAP 3D, automated with an Agilent AssayMAP BRAVO and Biotek 405TS
  • Agilent 1260 HPLC system, multidimensional for offline protein fractionation
  • BioRad 1- and 2-dimensional electrophoresis workflow

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Please visit the following link for a list of the publications listed on PubMed:

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  1. National Cancer Institute (R21) R21CA223335
    “Targeted proteomics to aid in the management of patients with stage IA lung adeno”
    Purpose: The goal of this project is to develop a series of biomarkers prognostic for disease recurrence in stage IA lung adenocarcinoma using targeted proteomics.
  2. National Cancer Institute; 1 RO1 CA223490-01
    Role: Principal Investigator, Rush site (Y. Deng – PI)
    “Profiling genome-wide circulating ncRNAs for the early detection of lung cancer”
  3. National Cancer Institute; 1R01 CA230778-01
    Role: Principal Investigator, Rush site (T. Shimamura – PI)
    “Investigation of CXCR7 signalling in EGFR TKI resistant NSCLC”
  4. National Institutes of Health; 1 UM1-NS112874-01
    Transition from Acute to Chronic Pain in Total Knee Arthroplasty Patients: Identifying Resilience and Vulnerability Profiles. (Mechanism RFA-RM-18-034: Multisite Clinical Center Common Fund Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures Program: Acute Peri-operative Pain (UM1 Clinical Trial Optional))
    Role: Consultant (J. Burns – PI)
  5. Swim Across America
    Role: Principal Investigator
    “Radioproteomic profiling to improve prognostication in stage I NSCLC”
  6. Swim Across America
    Role: Co-Investigator (PI- Carl Maki)
    “Targeting histone demethylases in non-small cell lung cancer”
  7. Walder Foundation
    Role: Co-Investigator (PI – Jeffrey Schneider)
    “Characterizing the broadly neutralizing antibody response in SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals”

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Our team

Current Research Laboratory Members
Ross Burwell, MS, PA(ASCP) (Pathologist Assistant)
Kelly Cagin (Research Lab Tech 3)
Cristina Fhied, MS (Scientist and PhD Candidate)
Ibtihaj Fughhi, MD (PhD Candidate)
David Gerard, MS (Laboratory Manager)
Martice Herron (Clinical Research Coordinator)
Kevin Little (Clinical Research Coordinator)

Clinical Collaborators
Pulmonology – Mark A. Yoder, MD
Thoracic Surgery – Christopher W. Seder, MD; Michael J. Liptay, MD
Medical Oncology – Mary Jo Fidler, MD; Marta Batus, MD; Philip Bonomi, MD
Radiation Oncology – Guarav Marwaha, MD
Pathology – Paolo Gattuso, MD; Mark D. Pool, MD

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Jeffrey A. Borgia, PhD
Rush University Medical Center
Jelke Southcenter, 1411A
1750 W. Harrison St.
Chicago, IL 60612
Office: (312) 942-7837

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