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Cancer Research: Swim Across America & Bears Care

Application Dates & Deadlines

This funding opportunity is not currently accepting applications. This page will be updated with application deadlines and complete instructions when a new funding cycle is announced.

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In the interest of providing seed funds to support cancer research at Rush University Medical Center, Swim Across America (SAA) and Bears Care have committed philanthropic funds to support investigator-initiated research. The intent of these grants is to encourage translational research by funding well-designed projects that could be competitive for future larger grants from a federal or private agency. Early-stage investigators, defined as individuals who do not have or have not previously received NIH R01 or equivalent funding, are encouraged to apply.

  • For Swim Across America, applications are being solicited to conduct innovative translational, basic science, or population-based research relevant to the cause, prevention, diagnosis, cure or improved treatment of cancer.
  • For Bears Care, only breast cancer research projects that are new to Bears Care will be considered.

Funding amounts and availability

  • Swim Across America funds up to six awards per year. Applicants may apply for either $50,000 or $100,000. Special consideration for early-stage investigators. Capital equipment not allowed.
  • Bears Care funds one award per year of $75,000 - $100,000. Capital equipment not allowed.

The period of support is one year. Applicants may reapply for continued support.


  • The award recipient must commit at least 10% of their research effort to the research contained in their proposal.

Who can apply

  • At least one investigator in a proposal must be an active Rush University faculty member at the assistant professor level or above.
  • Inter-institutional or inter-disciplinary proposals are of particular interest.
  • Early investigators, women and members of groups underrepresented in research are encouraged to apply. There are no citizenship or residency requirements. 
  • Applicants may submit only one proposal as a principal investigator or multiple PI in response to each opportunity.  
  • Instructors may apply if the department chair submits a letter indicating that they will be promoted to assistant professor by the award date.
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Norma Sandoval