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Funding Opportunities Archive

Please note: Application deadlines for all funding opportunities on this page have passed. To view currently active funding opportunities, please visit:


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Updated: August 2024

Funding Source
Grant Name
Gerber Foundation
2022 Novice Pediatric Research Grants
Applications for Novice grants follow the same process as regular grants and are limited to no more than $20,000 in total (inclusive of indirects). They are identified by the amount requested in the application. Eligible applicants include physicians, PhD candidates, PharmD candidates, and other similar degree candidates:
  • in a residency or fellowship training program or those who are no more than one year post training
  • have not received a K award from the National Institutes of Health
  • have an assigned mentor for the project and a current development plan
Concept papers due
Pilot Projects
The Institute for Translational Medicine
National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C)
The Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM) will provide resources to access a National Institutes of Health (NIH) big data platform with more than 4 million COVID-19 case studies, and teams can now apply for up to 400 hours of data analyst services that the ITM will pay for in full. This is a $38,000 value that will be divided among up to four research projects. More information
Application deadline
Pilot Projects
Swim Across America & Bears Care (Breast Cancer)
Cancer Research 
In the interest of providing seed funds to support cancer research at Rush University Medical Center, Swim Across America (SAA) and Bears Care have committed philanthropic funds to support investigator-initiated research. The intent of these grants is to encourage translational research by funding well-designed projects that could be competitive for future larger grants from a federal or private agency. Early-stage investigators, defined as individuals who do not have or have not previously received NIH R01 or equivalent funding, are encouraged to apply.
  • For Swim Across America, applications are being solicited to conduct innovative translational, basic science, or population-based research relevant to the cause, prevention, diagnosis, cure or improved treatment of cancer.
  • For Bears Care, only breast cancer research projects that are new to Bears Care will be considered.
Registration deadline
Proposal deadline
Pilot Projects
Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Developmental Project
The Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (Rush ADRC; P30AG072975) is funded by the National Institute on Aging, and, as part of its program, offers competitive funding for developmental projects in Aging and Alzheimer’s disease research. More information
5 p.m. CST
Application Deadline
Pilot Projects
Rush BMO Institute for Health Equity
Health Equity Research Scholars Program
The Rush BMO Institute for Health Equity is requesting applications for the inaugural RBIHE Health Equity Research Scholars Program to support the expansion of researchers conducting innovative, community-partnered health equity research to improve health across the lifespan. The Scholars Program supports RUSH faculty members to develop a program of research that will lead to the identification of evidence-based approaches to improve health equity. More information.
at 5 p.m. CT
Submission Closes
Pilot Projects
Rush University Medical Center
The President's Collaborative Research Awards (PCRA)
The University President’s Office is requesting applications for innovative projects that will inspire collaboration across colleges that align with the University’s mission across three areas - Learn, Discover, Thrive. The Presidents Collaborative Research Awards (PCRA) will support new ideas and pilot projects that may lead to expanded efforts and additional grant funding. They are intended to enable new and exciting alliances that contribute to and promote an enhanced research and educational environment at Rush. More information
Applications due
Pilot Projects
NIH Career Development (K) Awards
KL2 Clinical and Translational Scholar Awards
Are you a relatively new investigator at the faculty level of Assistant Professor or Instructor committed to a career in clinical and/or translational research? Don’t miss this opportunity to secure $75,000, protected research time, expert mentors, and more with the KL2 Clinical and Translational Scholar Awards, funded by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Science. Read more
Applications Due by 11:59 pm CST
Pilot Projects
Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
RADC Developmental Project Applications 
The Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (Rush ADRC; P30AG072975) is funded by the National Institute on Aging, and, as part of its program, offers competitive funding for developmental projects in Aging and Alzheimer’s disease research. More information
Applications due
Gerber Foundation
2022 Pediatric Research Grants
Priority is given to projects that improve the nutrition, care and development of infants and young children from the first year before birth to three years of age. The Foundation is particularly interested in fresh approaches to solving common, everyday problems or emerging issues within our defined focus areas: pediatric health; pediatric nutrition, and environmental hazards. Major target areas for research include:
  • New diagnostic tools that may be more rapid, more specific, more sensitive, less invasive
  • New treatment regimens that are improved or novel, less stressful or painful, more targeted, have less side effects, provide optimal dosing
  • Symptom relief
  • Preventative measures
  • Assessment of deficiencies or excesses (vitamins, minerals, drugs, etc.)
  • Risk assessment tools or measures for environmental hazards, trauma, etc.
Limit $350,000 on grants with no more than $125,000/year; includes indirect costs. More information
Concept papers due
Alpha Phi Foundation
Heart to Heart Grant
Through their annual Heart to Heart Grant, Alpha Phi Foundation helps fund research and educational programs that support the improvement of women’s heart health. The Heart to Heart Grant awards a $100,000 annually to medical professionals to better understand heart disease in women—specifically its symptoms, treatment, and prevention. More information
Full proposals due
Fahs-Beck Fund
Faculty/Post-Doctoral and Doctoral Dissertation Grant Programs
This fund provides grants for faculty members and post-doctoral researchers conducting research in developing, refining, evaluating or disseminating innovative interventions designed to prevent or ameliorate major social, psychological, behavioral or public health problems affecting children, adults, couples, families or communities. Grants of up to $20,000 will be awarded. Doctoral dissertation support of up to $5,000 will also be awarded for dissertation expenses of doctoral students. More information
Full proposal due
Group Foundation for Advancing Mental Health
Group Psychotherapy Grant
The Group Foundation for Advancing Mental Health is calling for grant proposals for original critical research reviews, either qualitative or quantitative (particularly meta-analyses), that focus on some selected area of group psychotherapy. The Group Psychotherapy Foundation is seeking research-focused, rather than program-focused, applications. Grants up to $5,000 are awarded; investigator salaries will not be funded. More information
Full proposals due
Bright Focus Foundation
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Grants
The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program through Bright Focus Foundation offers two types of awards: Standard Awards and Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards. The standard awards provide $300,000 over three years for researchers who have already generated some amount of preliminary data, but are often required to demonstrate additional, significant progress before they can apply to governmental or industrial funding agencies. Postdoctoral fellowship awards are intended for young researchers in their final stages of mentored training. These awards of $100,000 over two years fund projects in an established laboratory that will serve as the basis for the applicant’s own independent research career. More information
Full proposals due
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
2022 Career Development Award
This program, which aims to encourage and support junior faculty in the pursuit of pancreatic cancer research and establish a career path in the field, provides grants of up to $200,000 over two years to junior investigators who have yet to secure their first significant research funding. Research projects may be basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiological in nature but must have direct applicability and relevance to pancreatic cancer. More information
Full proposals due
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
2022 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Career Development Award
Supports junior faculty to conduct pancreatic cancer research and establish successful career paths in the field. Proposed research may be basic, translational, clinical or epidemiological in nature and must have direct applicability and relevance to pancreatic cancer. Special consideration will be given to understudied areas in pancreatic cancer research, minority researchers, and research focused on cancer health disparities. Grant of $250,000 over two years will be awarded.  Read more
Full proposals due
The Pew Charitable Trust
2022 Pew Scholars Program: Biomedical Sciences Award
The current grant level for this program is $300,000; $75,000 per year for a four-year period. For the 2022 award, one nomination will be invited from each institution. The awarded funds may be used at the discretion of the Pew scholar, for personnel, equipment, supplies, or travel directly related to the scholar’s research and as to best advance his or her research and career. More information.
Internal application due
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program
The Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program (MAFDP) offers four-year postdoctoral research awards to physicians, dentists, and nurses from historically disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to developing careers and achieving senior rank in academic medicine, dentistry, or nursing; fostering the development of succeeding classes of physicians, dentists, and nurses from historically disadvantaged backgrounds; improving the health of underserved populations; and/or working toward understanding and eliminating health disparities by achieving senior rank in academic medicine, dentistry, or nursing. RWJF will fund up to 10 four-year awards of up to $420,000 each in this grant cycle. Scholars will receive an annual stipend of up to $75,000 each, complemented by a $30,000 annual grant to support research activities. More information
Application deadline
Whitehall Foundation
Research Grants Program
The Whitehall Foundation supports scholarly research in the life sciences, especially in dynamic areas of basic biological research that are not heavily funded by federal agencies. Research grants are available to established scientists; applications will be reviewed on their scientific merit and the innovative aspects of the proposal. Research grants up to three years will be provided, ranging from $30K to $75K per year. More information
Letter of intent due
Foundation for Women’s Wellness
Women’s Health Research Awards
The Foundation is offering one-time, non-recurring $25,000 awards for research in the area of cardiovascular disease, top female cancers, hormones role in disease and/or stage-of-life health concerns like pregnancy and menopause, as well as other diseases disproportionately affecting women. More information
Application deadline
The Alternatives Research & Development Foundation
2021 Open Grant Program
This foundation promotes alternatives to the use of laboratory animals in research, testing, and education. The grant program provides opportunities for scientists who have interest and expertise in alternatives research. Preference is given to projects that use pathway-based approaches as exemplified by the 2007 National Academy of Sciences report, Toxicity Testing in the Twenty-first Century: A Vision and A Strategy. This award provides up to $40,000. Funds may not be used for the PI’s salary, fringe benefits, or travel. Full proposals are due online by May 1 for funding to begin in July. More information
Full proposals due
Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Various Research Grants
The Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is offering multiple research grant opportunities. The Spinal Bracing Research Grant, Pain Management Research grant and New Investigator Research Grant are awarded in the amount of $10K. Allergan Foundation Pain Management and Spine Care Research Grant is awarded in the amount of $20k. Scott F. Nadler PASSOR Musculoskeletal Research Grant is awarded in the amount of $30k. Full proposals for these opportunities, must be emailed or postmarked by May 1. More information
Full proposals due
Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness
2021 Research Grants
This funder awards grants to support research in eye and vision health, with priority granted to areas of inquiry with direct clinical relevance. Medical students, residents, fellows, assistant professors and junior faculty may apply. Grant budgets may not exceed $10,000for AMD awards and $5,000 for standard research grants; indirect costs will not be funded. More information
Full proposals due
William T. Grant Foundation
Research Grants
This funder awards grants to research that increases understanding in two areas: programs, policies and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes; and strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth. The Foundation focuses on studies affecting youth ages 5 to 25. Research grants about reducing inequality typically range between $100,000 and $600,000 and cover two to three years of support. Research grants about improving the use of research initiative will range between $100,000 and $1,000,000 and cover two to four years of support. More information
Letter of intent due
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
21 LCRF Grants02
LCRF grants are awarded for projects focused on one or more of the following areas of lung cancer research: lunch cancer biology, prevention and screening for early detection, identification of new biomarker and the development of targeted therapies, development of more effective and less toxic therapies, supportive measures for people with lung cancer and their families, and quality of care and outcomes research. Students/fellows, young and mid-career investigators with less than ten years’ experience since initial faculty appointment and non-tenure track researchers, staff scientists, and clinicians are eligible to apply. This grant provides $150,000 in total costs for up to two years, distributed at $75,000 per year. More information
Full proposal due
Brain Aneurysm Foundation
2021 Research Grant Program
The Foundation is accepting applications for basic scientific research in early detection, improved treatment modalities, and technological advances for improving outcomes of patients with brain aneurysms. Projects in translations, clinical/outcome, early detection, imaging, and SAH/SAH complications will be considered. Grants of up to $45,000 will be awarded. More information
Application deadline
Simons Foundation
Bridge to Independence Award
The Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain BTI Award program engages talented early-career scientists in systems and computational neuroscience by facilitating their transition to research independence and providing grant funding at the start of their professorships. This request for applications (RFA) is aimed at Ph.D. and M.D.-holding scientists who are currently in training positions but intend to seek tenure-track research faculty positions during the upcoming academic job cycle. Fellows will receive a commitment of $495,000 over three years, activated upon assumption of a tenure-track research professorship. Importantly, although eligible applicants must be currently in a training position, the BTI Award itself is not a training fellowship but a research grant to newly appointed faculty. More information
Applications and letters of recommendation due
Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation
Faculty/Post-Doctoral Research Grant Program
The Fahs-Beck Fund is accepting applications to support behavioral or psychological research studies based in the United States or Canada. Through its Faculty/Post-Doctoral Fellows program, the fund will award grants of up to $20,000 to studies designed to develop, refine, evaluate, or disseminate innovative interventions aimed at preventing or ameliorating major social, psychological, behavioral, or public health problems affecting children, adults, couples, families, or communities. Fringe benefits, indirect costs, purchase of major equipment or furniture and conference attendance are not allowed. More information
Full proposals due
American Cancer Society
The Role of Health Policy and Health Insurance in Improving Access to and Performance of Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Services
A call for research that evaluates the impact of the many changes now occurring in the healthcare system with a particular focus on cancer prevention, control, and treatment. Research to be funded by this RFA should focus on the changes in national, state, and/or local policy and the response to these changes by healthcare systems, insurers, payers, communities, practices, and patients. This includes but is not limited to facilitators and barriers to care; unintended consequences; differential experiences and outcomes of patients seeking or receiving care; best practice models for quality care; and economic impact. Independent investigators at all stages of their career are eligible to apply. Awards are for $200,000 for up to 2 to 3 years, $165,000 for 4 years, and $200,000 for 5 years. Indirect costs of 20% per year are allowed. More information
Applications due
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Pilot Research Awards
The AACAP gives a number of grants to early career investigators conducting basic or clinical pilot research programs in the understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders. Candidates must be enrolled in a general psychiatry residency and they must not have any previous significant, individual research funding in the field of child and adolescent mental health. These awards are granted in the amount of $15,000. More information
Applications due
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Junior Investigator Awards
The Junior Investigator Award offers an award of up to $30,000 per year for two years for one child and adolescent psychiatry junior faculty (assistant professor level or equivalent). The program is intended to facilitate innovative research. The research may be basic or clinical in nature but must be relevant to our understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders. More information
Applications due
Acumed LLC
Fellowship Grants
These grants provide support for ACGME-accredited fellowship programs, or, for programs outside of the United States, accredited by the country’s ACGME equivalent. Fellowship Grants are intended to be used towards fellow stipends and direct educational expenses. The awarding of Fellowship Grants is limited to once per calendar year. More information
Applications due
Pilot Project
The Searle Foundation
John G. Searle Innovator Awards
The Searle Foundation has committed philanthropic seed funds to support investigator-initiated research. Applications are being solicited to conduct innovative basic, translational/clinical, health services or community focused research.  More information
LOIs due
Melanoma Research Foundation
Young Investigator Research Team Award
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is committed to advancing research across the spectrum of melanoma – from prevention through diagnosis, staging, treatment and survivorship. The MRF proactively partners with the NCI, Congress, the Department of Defense and other foundations to develop and collaborate on a broad agenda for melanoma research that takes full advantage of all opportunities, while also sharing challenges. The MRF, through its Breakthrough Consortium (the MRFBC), is pleased to offer the MRFBC Young Investigator Research Team Award to advance the field of translational immuno-oncology, generously funded by a grant from Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). This grant provides funding of up to $150,000 per year for two years to an investigative team consisting of junior investigators and senior mentors. More information
Applications due
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Fellowship Award and Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award
These fellowship awards encourage all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. The Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award addresses pediatric cancer research, specifically. Candidates must have completed an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM degree (or its equivalent) and must apply for the fellowship under the guidance of a Sponsor—a scientist (tenured, tenure-track or equivalent position) capable of providing mentorship to the Fellow. The award is for a period of four years and starts with $52,000 in the first year, building to $60,000 in the fourth year, plus a $2,000 allowance for educational and scientific expense and a $1,000 allowance for each dependent child each year. More information
Full proposals due
Thrasher Research Fund
Early Career Awards
Thrasher recognizes young investigators through funding medical research in a variety of topics related to children’s health. Eligible applicants include physicians in a residency/fellowship program or who have completed that program no more than one year before the date of submission of the Concept Paper. Post-doctoral researchers who received their doctoral degree no more than three years prior to the date of submission of the Concept Paper are also eligible. Grants up to $25,000 will be awarded over a maximum of two years. More information
Concepts paper due due
Sontag Foundation
Distinguished Scientist Awards
This award seeks to provide career and research support to early career scientists who demonstrate outstanding promise for making scientific and medical breakthroughs in the field of brain cancer research. Eligible applicants should be newly appointed faculty members with a doctoral degree. Applicants must be in their first full-time faculty position, appointed in this position no earlier than March 1, 2016 and no later than January 1, 2021. Grants will be awarded to proposals focused on research related to causes, cures or treatments of primary brain tumors/brain cancer. The award provides up to $600,000 in funding over a four-year period. More information
Applications due
Cures Within Reach
CureAccelerator Live! Repurposing Research to Create Patient Impact in Pediatric Rare Diseases
This Request for Proposals (RFP) from Cures Within Reach is seeking clinical trials using repurposed treatments for any rare pediatric disease for an upcoming CureAccelerator Live! event. CureAccelerator Live! is a philanthropic pitch event, raising awareness of and funding for innovative repurposing research projects, with up to $50,000 funding for the winning project announced that evening. This RFP seeks clinical repurposing trials, up to five of which will be selected to pitch at this live event, held virtually on June 10-11, 2021. More details about the event to come. More information
Full proposals due
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
Reach Grants
Reach Grants are designed to move hypothesis-driven research into the clinic. The $250,000, two year grant is intended to fund developmental therapeutic studies in the late stage of preclinical testing. A successful application will identify an unmet clinical need relevant to the care of pediatric patients with cancer and describe how the work performed will allow for the translation to the clinic within two years of completion. A plan and timeline for clinical testing and trial implementation is expected. This grant does not fund clinical trial expenses. More information
Full proposals due
American Epilepsy Society
Seed Grant Program
The AES Seed Grant Program provides support to established investigators to pursue new and innovative directions in epilepsy research, bring new research methods to their research programs and begin new collaborations with other investigators in epilepsy or in different, complementary disciplines. Seed grants may provide up to $20,000 for one year for direct costs only. Applications may come from individual investigators or from two or more collaborating investigators. Applicants must be established investigators with at least an Associate Professor or equivalent level appointment. At least one applicant must be an epilepsy-focused academic investigator and an AES member. More information
Proposals due
Pilot Project
Center for Excellence in Aging
Center for Excellence in Aging
To support members across cores of the Center for Excellence in Aging (CEA) and disciplines in collaborating to collect pilot data for projects that advance the mission of the CEA and are likely to lead to an extramural grant to Rush from a foundation, State, or Federal government agency (e.g., National Institutes of Health [NIH], Health Resources & Services Administration [HRSA]). We recognize that the unique circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic may inform your proposal. It is at your discretion whether you propose a project specific to COVID-19. More information
Applications due
Pilot Project
Rush University and RTI International Research Collaboration
Rush University and RTI International Research Collaboration
The R3 Initiative is intended to enable new and exciting collaborations that will enable Rush and RTI to attract future funding opportunities from extramural federal and non-federal sources (e.g. non-profits). The Initiative’s goal is to select one seed project that leads to a collaborative proposal to an external funder within 12 months of the project ending. The Initiative will focus on COVID-19 research given the significant impact this pandemic has had on local and global populations and the strong research positions that both Rush and RTI have taken to improve the response.
Round 1 deadline
Round 2 by invitation only
Pilot Project
Schweppe Foundation and Armour Bequest
Early Career Investigators
Philanthropic funds are being matched equally by the Schweppe and Armour bequests to support investigator-initiated pilot research. Applications are being solicited that propose significant and innovative translational, clinical, basic science, behavioral or population-based research. The intent of these grants is to support well-designed projects that will allow development of preliminary data to enable the investigators to be competitive for future federal or private funding. Interdisciplinary proposals are of particular interest.
Registration deadline
Pilot Project
Swim Across America & Bears Care (Breast Cancer
Cancer Research
In the interest of providing seed funds to support cancer research at Rush University Medical Center, Swim Across America (SAA) & Bears Care have committed philanthropic funds to support investigator-initiated research as follows:
  • SAA: Proposals to conduct innovative translational, basic science, or population-based research relevant to the cause, prevention, diagnosis, cure or improved treatment of cancer. Special consideration will be given to young investigators as well as investigators leveraging the organoid and data repositories at Tempus.
  • Bears Care: Proposals in only breast cancer research.
Registration deadline
Pilot Project
Coronavirus Research Fund Awards
This funding opportunity is intended to solicit proposals that are focused on understanding, responding to, treating, predicting, and preventing illness and outbreaks caused by novel coronaviruses, such as COVID-19, as well as future like viruses. Projects that encompass basic, translational, and/or clinical research are encouraged. These awards provide flexibility for initiating well-defined projects that can realistically be completed in one year or discrete portions of larger projects of similar duration. A wide variety of proposals using a range of approaches are expected.
Application deadline
Limited Applicant
The Mary Kay Foundation
Innovative/Translation Cancer Research Grants
The Mary Kay Foundation focuses on funding research for innovative grants for translational research in ovarian, uterine, breast or cervical cancer. Translational research is broadly defined as research that will provide a scientific link between laboratory research and the clinic. Ultimately, such research would lead to improvement in diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, or treatment of the cancer. The grant will be up to $100,000 (combined direct and indirect costs) for a two-year period. If indirect costs are requested, they cannot exceed 15%. The Foundation anticipates funding between ten and fifteen grants.
Rush may nominate one candidate. More information
Registration deadline
Applications due
The Charles A. King Trust
Charles A. King Trust Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program – Basic Science
The Charles A. King Trust Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program is designed to support postdoctoral fellows and physician-scientists in non-profit academic, medical or research institutions in Massachusetts. Each applicant must be working under the supervision of an established scientist who is the designated Mentor. Two-year grants ranging from $109,408 to $127,600, inclusive of a $2,000 expense allowance, will be awarded October 1. More information
Full proposals due
Cures Within Reach
Clinical Repurposing Research to Impact Veterans
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is seeking repurposed treatments to address unmet and high priority medical needs of veterans, including mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and brain injuries, with up to $50,000 in funding for a repurposing clinical trial. We are interested in generic or proprietary drugs, devices, nutraceuticals or diagnostics that could be repurposed to create "new" treatments to 1) reduce the symptoms, progression or incidence of; 2) restore function lost to; or 3) to reduce or eliminate severe side effects of currently used therapies for any unsolved medical need facing veterans, thereby improving patient outcomes and quality of life. More information
Proposals due
The International COVID-19 Data Alliance (ICODA)
Grand Challenges ICODA COVID-19 Data Science Grant Program
The International COVID-19 Data Alliance (ICODA) and theBill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Grand Challenges initiative are delighted to launch a new pilot Grand Challenges ICODA COVID-19 Data Science grant program focused on addressing major questions about how to reduce the harmful impacts of COVID-19 and future pandemics. More information
Applications due
International OCD Foundation
Michael Jenike Young Investigator Awards
The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is committed to research investigating the causes and treatment of OCD and related disorders. This RFP provides grants of up to $50,000 for early-career researchers pursuing projects investigating OCD, BDD, hoarding disorder, or other disorders related to OCD. The Jenike Awards are made possible by thousands of individual donors who contribute to our research grant fund. More information
Full proposals due
International OCD Foundation
Innovator Award
The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is committed to research investigating the causes and treatment of OCD and related disorders. This RFP provides $300,000 grants for senior researchers investigating OCD. The goal of these awards is to support research with the potential to revolutionize scientific understanding of OCD, accelerate progress toward new and more effective treatments, and discover ways to prevent OCD from taking hold in the first place. The Innovator Awards are made possible through the generosity of an anonymous donor to the IOCDF. More information
Full proposals due
L’Oréal USA For Women in Science
L’Oréal USA For Women in Science - Fellowship Program Awards
The L’Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program awards five women postdoctoral scientists annually with grants of $60,000 each for their contributions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations. More information
Applications due
The New York Stem Cell Foundation
Neuroscience Investigator Awards
Through the program, awards of up to $1.5 million over five years are made to early-career investigators in support of research in neuroscience. Applicants from any neuroscience field are invited to apply, and applications from neuroscientists whose research is focused on human systems are encouraged. This might include research on patient-derived model systems and approaches using samples or data (genomic, epidemiological, imaging, real-world data, etc.) collected from individuals or human populations. More information
Applications due
The New York Stem Cell Foundation
Stem Cell Investigator Awards
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for Innovator Awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells. The goal of this initiative is to foster bold and innovative scientists with the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, and advance understanding and use of stem cells in the development of treatments for human disease. In addition to providing funding, NYSCF partners with investigators to advance and translate their research. The award provides $1.5M USD over 5 years and is open to researchers based at both national and international accredited academic and nonprofit research institutions. More information
Applications due
Panacea Financial Foundation
Panacea Financial Foundation Award
Resident/Fellow Grant award winners will each receive $1,000. Approximately twelve (12) grants will be awarded per cycle. The grants can be applied to research, professional-related travel, professional memberships, study materials, medical journals, board examinations, or equipment. More information
Submissions due
PhRMA Foundation
Research Starter Grant in Health Outcomes Research
The PhRMA Foundation Research Starter Grant in Health Outcomes Research offers financial support to individuals beginning independent research careers in health outcomes research at the faculty level. The grant provides funding of $100,000 for one year. Those enrolled in postdoctoral training programs scheduled to conclude by the start of the funding, i.e. July 1, 2021 through December 1, 2021, who will hold an academic appointment by that time, may apply. More information
Applications due
PhRMA Foundation
Research Starter Grant in Translational Medicine
The PhRMA Foundation Research Starter Grant in Translational Medicine offers financial support to individuals beginning independent research careers in translational medicine at the faculty level. Translational Medicine awards provide funding of $100,000 for one year for advance training andsupport of career development of scientists engaged in research that significantly addresses specific clinician-defined problems and integrates innovative technologies with advanced biological, chemical, and pharmacological sciences and engineering methodologies in several areas. More information
Applications due
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Equity-Focused Policy Research: Building Cross-Cutting Evidence on Supports for Families with Young Children
The Equity-Focused Policy Research (EFPR) grant program seeks to fund a body of research that illuminates strategies and policies that enhance families’ equitable access to key resources for supporting their children’s healthy development. EFPR grants are guided by a research agenda that focuses on: (1) understanding the sources of inequities in families’ access to and use of key resources; (2) identifying and testing innovations to advance equity; and (3) strategies for scaling up policies and approaches that are effective in advancing equity. We expect to make up to 20 awards through this funding opportunity. We expect that awards will range from $50,000 to $200,000 each. More information
Applications due
Rheumatology Research Foundation
Innovative Research Awards
The Rheumatology Research Foundation is offering the Innovative Research award in the amount of $400,000 over two years and the Innovative Research Award for Community Practitioners in the amount of $50,000 to $200,000 per year over two years. These awards will help enable research that has the potential to improve treatment of rheumatic diseases, patient outcomes, and/or increase quality of care. An outstanding recipient of the Innovative Research Award for Community Practitioners will receive the Norman B. Gaylis, MD, Research Award for Rheumatologists in Community Practice designation. More information 
Letter of intent due
Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
2021 Grant Programs
OREF is offering various grant opportunities ranging from $5,000 to $300,000. More information
Letter of intent due
James S. McDonnell Foundation
21st Century Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards: Understanding Dynamic and Multi-scale Systems
The Understanding Dynamic and Multi-Scale Systems program supports scholarship and research directed toward the development of theoretical and mathematical tools contributing to the science of complex, adaptive, nonlinear systems. JSMF is particularly interested in the continued development of complex systems science, and in projects attempting to apply complex systems approaches to coherently articulated questions.. This award is for $200,000 over two to three years. More information 
Application deadline
Pilot Project
Rush Center for Excellence in Aging
Rush Center for Excellence in Aging – Pilot Grant
To support members across cores of the Center for Excellence in Aging (CEA) and disciplines in collaborating to collect pilot data for projects that advance the mission of the CEA and are likely to lead to an extramural grant to Rush from a foundation, State, or Federal government agency (e.g., National Institutes of Health [NIH], Health Resources & Services Administration [HRSA]). The Center for Excellence in Aging will fund one proposal up to $25,000.  Read more.
Full proposal due
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance
Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award
FARA accepts applications for pre-clinical and clinical investigations that will advance FA treatment. Specific focus areas for this award include: Identification of biomarkers for FA, development of tools and technologies, pre-clinical development and testing of potential therapeutics and clinical studies of patient outcome measures. FARA awards $250,000 per year for one or two years. More information
Letter of intent due
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance
Bronya J. Keats Award for International Collaboration in Research on FA
FARA accepts LOIs focusing on FA research that relies on international collaboration among investigators in at least two different countries. Special consideration will be given to proposals that bring new scientists to the FA community.The rationale for the collaboration needs to be convincing and must clearly demonstrate that the research goals could not be achieved by just one of the participating groups and that the synergy among the groups is essential for the success of the project.FARA awards $200,000 per year for one or two years. More information
Letter of intent due
Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor Ovarian Cancer Foundation
2021 Medical Research Program
This program offers funding in support of ovarian cancer research studies that are most aligned with that mission, which is to promote public awareness of and education about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of ovarian cancer, provide support to survivors, and raise funds for research in order to find a cure. Applicants must be affiliated with a not-for-profit institution within the U.S. Requests for funding of up to $50,000 per year will be considered. Indirect costs are not allowed. More information
Full proposals due
Long-acting Growth Hormone Research (Global) Competitive Grant Program
Pfizer Global Medical Grants (GMG) supports the global healthcare community’s independent initiatives (e.g., research, quality improvement, or education) to improve patient outcomes in areas of unmet medical needs that are aligned with Pfizer’s medical and/or scientific strategies. Individual projects requesting up to $50,000-$100,000/year for 1 to 2 years will be considered. Pfizer anticipates awarding up to 2-3 grants. Applicants must have a medical or postdoctoral degree (MD, PhD, or equivalent), an advanced nursing degree (BSN with a MS/PhD), or a degree in Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, or Social Work. More information  
Applications due
Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor Ovarian Cancer Foundation
2021 Medical Research Program
This program offers funding in support of ovarian cancer research studies that are most aligned with that mission, which is to promote public awareness of and education about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of ovarian cancer, provide support to survivors, and raise funds for research in order to find a cure. Applicants must be affiliated with a not-for-profit institution within the U.S. Requests for funding of up to $50,000 per year will be considered. Indirect costs are not allowed. More information
Full proposals due
The Vilcek Foundation
Creative Promise in Biomedical Science
This foundation is seeking applicants for the Creative Promise in Biomedical Science prize, given to young, foreign-born researchers age 38 and under. Three winners will be awarded a $50,000 unrestricted cash prize. Interested applicants may apply directly to this opportunity, as the grant is awarded directly to investigators, rather than their institution. More information
Application deadline
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Basic Biomedical Research Fellowship
Candidates who hold, or are in the final stages of obtaining a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree and are seeking beginning postdoctoral training in all basic biomedical research are eligible to apply for a fellowship. This is a three-year fellowship that provides an annual $54-$60K stipend and $1.5K research allowance.  A two-day meeting of fellows is held in November of each year and travel expenses incurred are covered by the foundation. More information 
Full proposal due
Damon Runyon Cancer Research
Fellowship Award 
The fellowship award offers support for a fellow who has recently received their PhD, MD, MD/PhD, DDS or DVM. The foundation encourages theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanism, therapies and prevention. Applicants must work under the guidance of a sponsor. All fellows are sponsored for up to four years. Fellows receive an awarded amount that increases each year from $52,000-$60,000, in addition to a $2,000 expense allowance. More information  
Full proposal due
Johnson & Johnson
Advancing Joint Replacement Surgery QuickFire Challenge
Innovators are invited to submit concepts, prototypes and developed technologies that could potentially address current technology limitations in orthopaedic joint replacement surgery including reducing cost, increasing efficiency and improving usability, and simplifying procedures. Specific areas of focus for the challenge include advanced methods of bone tracking and registration to enable either smart surgical tools or a next generation robotic solutions, eliminating the need for line of sight tracking using pin-based optical arrays. Read more
Application due
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
COVID-19 Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists
The goal of this one-time set of grants in light of COVID-19 is to bolster medical schools’ wider efforts to support a research workforce with family caregiving responsibilities, with an emphasis on physician scientists’ research recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. Each institutional grant will provide funding for research supplements to be awarded to eligible faculty as outlined below. The purpose of the grants is not to cover caregiving costs but to support the advancement of promising research by early-career faculty whose productivity is challenged by increased family caregiving responsibilities brought about by COVID-19. Each institutional grant will consist of $500,000 total cost plus 10% indirect costs over two years to support approximately 10-15 research supplements of approximately $30,000-$50,000 each. The grant term accommodates for a timeline to launch a recruitment and selection process and support research projects for 12 months. Read more
Letter of intent due
Full proposal due
Little Giraffe Foundation
2021 Neonatal Research Initiative 
This funder is offering neonatal research grants in the amount of $5,000-$10,000. Research may address either the long-term or immediate health needs caused by premature birth or identify causes and means of preventing this condition.  Appropriate research subjects include basic biological processes governing development, genetics, clinical studies, reproductive health, environmental toxicology, and social and behavioral studies. More information
Letter of intent due
Johnson & Johnson
Decoding Disparities QuickFire Challenge
This challenge invites U.S.-based innovators – including entrepreneurs, health systems experts, technologists, researchers, academia, and students - to submit data-driven methodologies or technologies aiming to better detect, understand, or reduce the root causes of health inequities and inform the crucial next steps we need to take towards achieving equity.
In order to potentially accelerate promising methodologies or technologies, the innovator(s) with the best data-driven concepts, tools, or technologies aiming to better detect, understand, or reduce disparities prevalent in health care will receive grant funding in increments up to $200,000, $100,000, or $50,000, access to the global Johnson & Johnson Innovation - JLABS network and mentorship from experts at the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies. Read more
Applications due
NIHCM Foundation
Innovative Research Award Grants
The NIHCM Foundation is offering the Innovative Research Award Grants to support research that will advance the existing knowledge base in the areas of health care financing, delivery, management and/or policy. Studies must have strong potential to yield insights that can be used to have a positive impact on the U.S. health care system by reducing spending, improving quality of care, and/or expanding access to insurance coverage and health care services. This grant provides $500,000 in total for 8 to 9 different studies. Full proposals will be requested from selected groups in August; full proposals will be due in September. More information
Letter of inquiry due
Mazda Foundation
2021 Grants
The Mazda Foundation awards grants to programs promoting education and literacy; environmental conservation; cross-cultural understanding; social welfare; and scientific research. Full proposals are due July 1 for funding to be announced in December.  More information
Full proposals due
Damon Runyon Cancer Research
Innovation Award
The Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award provides support for the next generation of exceptionally creative thinkers with “high-risk/high-reward” ideas that have the potential to significantly impact our understanding of and/or approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The research supported by the award must be novel, exceptionally creative and, if successful, have the strong potential for high impact in the cancer field. The Stage 1 award will be for two years, $200,000 per year ($400,000 total) with the opportunity for up to two additional years of funding (up to four years total for $800,000). Stage 2 support for years three and four will be granted to those awardees who demonstrate progress on their proposed research during years one and two of the award. More information
Full proposals due
American Psychological Foundation
Marian R. Stuart Grant
The APF is offering grants up to $20,000 to further the research, practice, or education of an early career psychologist on the connection between mental and physical health, particularly for work that contributes to public health. Applicants must be no more than 10 years post-doctoral. More information
Full proposals due
Cures Within Reach
Repurposing Research Led by a US-Based Racial / Ethnic Minority Principal Investigator
Cures Within Reach (CWR) is interested in both previously funded minority PIs and in supporting minority PIs who are early-stage investigators and who have received little or no extramural research funding to date. PIs who have not received extramural funding previously and / or who do not currently have their own lab should include a Letter of Support from a funded, senior researcher who will act as a mentor for the proposed clinical trial and the PI. At least 3 grants of up to $70,000 each will be funded through this RFP. Read more
Proposals due
Pfizer Global Medical Grants
Antibiotic Stewardship in Pediatrics
The purpose of this RFP is to support antibiotic stewardships in pediatrics. In resource limited settings, antibiotic use in children is common with evidence suggesting both overuse in many settings and underuse in others. Further, differences in usage based on gender and/or class suggest inequities that need to be addressed. Interventions are needed to ensure good stewardship practices are applied to children, one of the most vulnerable populations. Read more
Applications due
Competitive Grant Program in Bone Research
The Amgen Competitive Grant Program in Bone Research will provide an opportunity for investigators from around the world to compete for individual grants of up to $150,000 USD for novel research proposals that seek to improve quality of osteoporosis care and patient outcomes. The program is global in reach and is open to proposals from established and junior investigators. Junior investigators should be within 5 years of completion of training. Total budgets should not exceed $150,000, including direct costs (e.g., labor and study costs), institutional overhead costs, and any other costs (e.g., additional expenses, such as software fees and travel costs). More information
Full proposals due
Last year’s award deadline was June 28th, so it will likely be close to that for 2021. Check the website for updates on deadline information.
Limited Applicant
Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust
Catalyst Awards Program
The Catalyst Research Award Program provides one year of seed funding to support high-risk, high-reward projects that address critical scientific and therapeutic roadblocks within the Program’s principal areas of focus. The Program is designed to enable planning and development of projects, teams, tools, techniques and management infrastructure necessary to successfully compete for two-year award through the Transformational Research Award Program. One-year awards of up to $300,000 will be awarded (inclusive of 10% indirect costs).Read more
Registration to apply to fill this slot is required. Rush may nominate two candidates.
Internal Applications due
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance
General Research Grant Program
The Foundation is currently accepting proposals for their General Research Grant program, which offers support for projects in drug discovery, drug development and clinical research that advances treatments for FA. Grants of $150K per year for 1 or 2 years will be awarded. More information
Letter of intent due
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance
Postdoctoral Research Award
FARA offers a Postdoctoral Research Award as a mechanism to expand and retain young investigators in the FA biomedical research space. For this application type, the Postdoctoral trainee is the PI of the grant proposal. Postdoctoral trainees should focus their research proposal on projects that fall within FARA Research Priorities, as outlined here. Competitive candidates demonstrate qualities that will enhance FARA’s overall enterprise of understanding fundamentals of disease pathology and developing treatments and a cure for FA. $100,000 per year for 1 or 2 years. More information
Letter of intent due
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease
The Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) award provides $500,000 over five years to support accomplished investigators at the assistant professor level to study pathogenesis, with a focus on the interplay between human and microbial biology, shedding light on how human and microbial systems are affected by their encounters. This program provides opportunities for assistant professors to bring multidisciplinary approaches to the study of human infectious diseases. The goal of the program is to provide opportunities for accomplished investigators still early in their careers to study what happens at the points where the systems of humans and potentially infectious agents connect. More information
Pre-proposal deadline
Cures Within Reach
Repurposing Research to Address Racial /Ethnic Health Disparities in the Greater Chicago Area
Cures Within Reach (CWR) is seeking clinical repurposing trials from any research institution in the greater Chicago area to address racial/ethnic health disparities in communities of color as defined by the NIH (see ) . While the funded institution must be in Chicagoland, patients and collaborators can be both within and outside the Chicago area. Clinical trials utilizing telehealth or other remote strategies are encouraged to apply. At least 3 grants for up $80,000 each will be funded through this RFP. Repurposed therapies can be used alone or in combination with other therapies or can be repurposed from an approved adult indication into a pediatric indication. Therapies must already be FDA, EMA or any other regulatory agency approved or otherwise readily available for human use. More information
Proposals due
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Mentored Research Training Grants
These grants help anesthesiologists develop the skills, preliminary data for subsequent grant applications and research publications needed to become independent investigators. The proposed project must be in basic science, clinical and translational, or health services research. The amount of this award is $250,000 over a two-year period. More information
Full proposals due
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Research in Education Grant
This grant advances the careers and knowledge of anesthesiologists interested in improving the concepts, methods and techniques of education in anesthesiology. The REG is focused on developing innovative approaches for anesthesia education. The amount of this award is $100,000 over a two-year period. More information
Full proposals due
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Research Fellowship Grant
The Research Fellowship Grant is intended to provide anesthesiology residents and fellows with the opportunity to obtain significant training in research techniques and scientific methods. The amount of this grant is $75,000 per year for a one-year period. More information
Full proposals due
Kenneth Rainin Foundation
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Innovator Award
The Kenneth Rainin Foundation supports high-risk research and challenges investigators to push boundaries to advance their goal of predicting and preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).  The program is open to researchers at all levels from any scientific discipline; typically they hold advanced degrees (MD, PhD or equivalent). Interdisciplinary collaboration is strongly encouraged. The program provides $200,000 grants for one-year research projects. Read more
LOIs due
Conquer Cancer
Career Development Award
The Career Development Award provides research funding to clinical investigators who have received their initial faculty appointments as they work to establish an independent clinical cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects. Proposals with a predominant focus on in vitro or animal studies (even if clinically relevant) are not allowed. The award is a three-year grant totaling $200,000. Read more
Applications due
Cancer Research Institute
Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
This program supports young scientists who wish to receive training in cancer immunology.  The Institute is seeking hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies in both immunology and tumor immunology.  Applicants must have a doctoral degree and not have exceeded five years of postdoctoral experience by the start of the award.  Fellows receive up to $175,500 over three years to cover the cost of salary, insurance, and other research-related expenses, such as travel to conferences and meetings. Applications are due online by October 1 and applicants will be notified within 10-12 weeks. Read more
Proposals due
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Career Awards for Medical Scientists
The Career Awards for Medical Scientists is a highly competitive program that provides $700,000 awards over five years for physician-scientists who are committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service. Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research. Proposals in health services research or involving large-scale clinical trials are not eligible. Read more
Proposals due
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Postdoctoral Enrichment Program
The Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP) provides a total of $60,000 over three years to support the career development activities for underrepresented minority postdoctoral fellows in a degree-granting institution in the U.S. or Canada whose training and professional development are guided by mentors committed to helping them advance to stellar careers in biomedical or medical research. This grant is meant to supplement the training of postdocs whose research activities are already supported. Read more
Full proposals due
Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE)
2022 CURE Epilepsy Awards
This grant program seeks to push the envelope and accelerate promising research leading to disease-modifying breakthroughs for people living with epilepsy. CURE prioritizes highly innovative, risky, paradigm-shifting projects that address their mission to cure epilepsy. CURE has a variety of priority areas that they fund in relation to epilepsy research and multidisciplinary, collaborative projects are encouraged. This award is available to both established and early career investigators. Requests may be made for up to a total of $250,000 paid over 2 years; indirect costs are not supported. More information
Letters of Intent due
American Academy of Pediatrics
CATCH Planning and Implementation Grants; CATCH Resident Grants
Planning and Implementation Grants of up to $10,000 are awarded to individual pediatricians and fellowship trainees to plan innovative community-based child health initiatives that will ensure all children have medical homes, are properly immunized, and have access to health care services not otherwise available in their community. In addition, resident grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded to pediatric residents to plan and/or implement community-based child health initiatives. Read more
Full proposals due
Arthritis National Research Foundation
Research Grants
ANRF provides a variety of arthritis research grants for research scientists. They are currently asking for proposals in the areas of arthritis research, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis and aging and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Read more
Applications due
American Federation for Aging Research
Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowships in Aging Research
The Glenn Foundation for Medical Research, in partnership with the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), created the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowships in Aging Research to encourage and further the careers of postdoctoral fellows, who are conducting research in the basic biology of aging, as well as translating advances in basic research from the laboratory to the clinic. The applicant must be a postdoctoral fellow (MD and/or PhD degree or equivalent) at the start date of the award (July 1, 2020). Awards of $60,000 will be awarded for a one-year fellowship. More information
Letters of intent due
Pablove Foundation
2022 Research Grants
Senior postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty who hold M.D.s or Ph.D.s are eligible for this career development award. In addition, established scientists who are re-directing their research are also eligible to apply for seed funding. $50,000 may be used for direct costs that cover investigators’ salaries, supplies, technical help and travel. In lieu of indirect costs, a maximum of 5% of the grant amount will be provided to sponsoring institutions upon submission of the progress report. The funds cover one year of funding. More information
Letters of intent due
Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research
2022 Scientific Scholar Awards and Pilot Study Awards
The Rivkin Center is seeking applications for two grant programs. For the Scientific Scholar Awards, grants of up $120,000 over two years will be awarded to promising laboratory and clinical scientists interested in pursuing a career as an independent investigator in ovarian cancer research. Eligible applicants must have an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree with career goals focused on ovarian cancer, and clinicians must have completed their residency. For the Pilot Study Awards, grants of $75,000 will be awarded for investigator-initiated studies in all areas of ovarian cancer research that pave the way for new avenues of ovarian cancer research and to expand our understanding of the disease. For both grants, funds are for direct costs only. More information
Full proposals
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Physician-Scientist Training Award
Awards of $460,000 over 4 years is awarded to physicians to encourage them to pursue research careers in cancer. Physician-scientist applicants (MDs only) must have completed their residencies and clinical training, be U.S. Specialty Board eligible prior to the award start date, and be able to devote at least 80% of their time and effort to Damon Runyon-supported research. MD/PhDs are not eligible to apply. More information
Full proposals due
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Research Grants
Research Grant applications are being accepted for a one year award which will allow the establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. There are no limits set on the grant amount that can be requested. More information
Full proposals due
Alex's Lemonade Stand
2022 RUNX1 Early Career Investigator Grant
The RUNX1 Early Career Investigator Grant promotes the establishment of a new generation of translational and clinical researchers interested in tackling inherited hematologic malignancy predisposition disorders with a focus on RUNX1-familial platelet disorder. $180,000 is awarded over 3 years (maximum of $60,000 per year may be requested). Read more
Full proposals due
International OCD Foundation
Research Grants
Michael Jenike Young Investigator Fellow Award 
Investigators in graduate school up through five years after finishing their terminal degree are eligible for this award. For those who are still in training IOCDF will need a letter from their mentor at the time of application. A maximum of $50,000 can be requested for this award.
Innovator Award
IOCDF will be awarding 2 grants for investigators with 5+ years of experience following completion of their terminal degree. Each grant will be for $300,000 and will be paid out in three installments over three years. Eligible research projects must investigate topics in the field of OCD, with a focus on finding a cure for OCD. This may include prevention. More information
Check back early January 2022
Full proposals due
Help for Children
Help For Children/Hedge Funds Care (HFC)
Help for Children’s grants are made to charitable organizations that address child abuse through prevention or treatment. They provide support to ongoing program services, to programs looking to expand, and to new programs/projects. The organization focuses on four impact areas:  decreasing risk; reducing trauma; building individual strengths; and strengthening families. They fund direct services, education, advocacy, and research. The average grant size in Chicago is $35,000. More information
Last year’s award deadline was February 15, so it will likely be close to that for the 2022 period.
Letter of intent due
The McKnight Foundation
2022 McKnight Scholar Awards
The McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience supports innovative research designed to bring science closer to the day when diseases of the brain can be accurately diagnosed, prevented, and treated. Eligible applicants for the McKnight Scholar Awards must have an MD, PhD or other suitable advanced degree; a record of meritorious research; evidence of a commitment to a career in neuroscience; an appointment with tenure-track status; no more than four years of experience in an independent/tenure-track faculty position. Awards are $75,000 per year for three years; does not include indirect costs. Read more
Full proposals due: TBD, last year’s deadline was January 4th so it will likely be close to then for 2022.
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Clinical Investigator Award
This award supports independent young physician-scientists conducting disease-oriented research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity. The applicant must hold an independent assistant professor position or equivalent and must apply within the first five years of his/her initial full faculty appointment. The $600,000 award will be for a period of three years. More information
Full proposals due
Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research
Cancer Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
This funder supports early career scientists pursuing research into the causes and origins of cancer. 
Applicants should have no more than one year of postdoctoral research experience, and MDs should have received their degree after February 1. PhD degree must not have been conferred more than 18 months prior to February 1. PhD candidates that do not have their degree at time of application deadline are eligible to apply. If awarded, the applicant’s PhD degree must be conferred prior to the start of the Fellowship. This is a three year fellowship grant starting with $52,000 the first year, $52,500 the second year and $53,000 the third year. An additional $1,000 is awarded for each dependent child. This award also provides an annual allowance of $2,000 toward research materials and $1,800 for travel to science meetings.  More information
Full proposals due
Friends For An Earlier Breast Cancer Test
Medical Research Grants
To advance their mission of promoting awareness and education and to raise funds for research into earlier detection of breast cancer, this organization is requesting proposals for pilot research projects focused on new methods aimed at improving detection of early-stage breast cancer. Priority will be given to projects that lead to the development of new techniques in the areas of biological or immunologic methods of early detection. Grants of up to $40,000 over one to three years will be supported. Read more
Full proposals due
PhRMA Foundation
Health Outcomes Research
The PhRMA Foundation Research Starter Grant in Health Outcomes Research offers financial support to individuals beginning independent research careers in health outcomes research at the faculty level. More information 
Full proposals due
PhRMA Foundation
Research Starter Grant in Translational Medicine
The PhRMA Foundation Research Starter Grant in Translational Medicine offers financial support to individuals beginning independent research careers in translational medicine at the faculty level. Translational Medicine awards provide funding of $100,000 for one year for advance training and support of career development of scientists engaged in research that significantly addresses specific clinician-defined problems and integrates innovative technologies with advanced biological, chemical, and pharmacological sciences and engineering methodologies in several areas. More information
The Esther A. & Joseph Klingenstein Fund, Inc.
Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Awards in Neuroscience
The Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Awards support highly promising, early career scientists engaged in basic or clinical research in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Candidates must hold a PhD or MD and be within 4 years of receiving their first tenure track appointment. This award of $225,000 is payable over a three-year period. More information
Full proposal due
American Federation for Aging Research
Small Research Grant Program for the Next Generation of Researchers in Alzheimer’s Disease (R03)
This National Institute on Aging (NIA) Small Research Grant Program supports important and innovative research in areas in which more scientific investigation is needed to improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD). Awards are two years of funding totaling $200,000. More information
Applications due
The New York Stem Cell Foundation
Stem Cell Investigator Awards
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for Innovator Awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells. The goal of this initiative is to foster bold and innovative scientists with the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, and advance understanding and use of stem cells in the development of treatments for human disease. In addition to providing funding, NYSCF partners with investigators to advance and translate their research. The award provides $1.5M USD over 5 years and is open to researchers based at both national and international accredited academic and nonprofit research institutions. More information
International OCD Foundation
Michael Jenike Young Investigator Awards
Grants of up to $50,000 for early career researchers pursuing projects investigating OCD, BDD, hoarding disorder, or other disorders related to OCD. The Jenike Awards are made possible by thousands of individual donors who contribute to our research grant fund.
Innovator Award
$300,000 grants for senior researchers investigating OCD. The goal of these awards is to support research with the potential to revolutionize scientific understanding of OCD, accelerate progress toward new and more effective treatments, and discover ways to prevent OCD from taking hold in the first place. The Innovator Awards are made possible through the generosity of an anonymous donor to the IOCDF. More information
Melanoma Research Foundation
Research Awards
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is committed to advancing research across the spectrum of melanoma – from prevention through diagnosis, staging, treatment and survivorship. The MRF proactively partners with the NCI, Congress, the Department of Defense and other foundations to develop and collaborate on a broad agenda for melanoma research that takes full advantage of all opportunities, while also sharing challenges.
Established Investigator Awards (EIA):  The EIAs provide funding of up to $100,000 per year for two years to established melanoma researchers, or senior researchers working in closely related fields who wish to move into melanoma research.
Career Development Awards (CDA): The CDAs provide funding of up to $50,000 per year for two years to junior investigators. Researchers who are beginning a research career focused on melanoma are eligible. This year, the MRF will also offer specific career development awards focused on Pediatric Melanoma (PED CDA). Available through a separate award mechanism (please refer to the MRF website for additional details)
Young Investigator Research Team Award: The MRF, through its Breakthrough Consortium (the MRFBC), is pleased to offer the MRFBC Young Investigator Research Team Award to advance the field of translational immuno-oncology, generously funded by a grant from Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). This grant provides funding of up to $100,000 per year for two years to an investigative team consisting of junior investigators and senior mentors.
Application deadline
Thrasher Research Fund
Early Career Awards
Thrasher recognizes young investigators through funding medical research in a variety of topics related to children’s health. Eligible applicants include physicians in a residency/fellowship program or who have completed that program no more than one year before the date of submission of the Concept Paper. Post-doctoral researchers who received their doctoral degree no more than three years prior to the date of submission of the Concept Paper are also eligible. Grants up to $25,000 will be awarded over a maximum of two years. More information
03/05/2022 (Noon Mountain Time)
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Fellowship Award and Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award
These fellowship awards encourage all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. The Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award addresses pediatric cancer research, specifically. Candidates must have completed an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM degree (or its equivalent) and must apply for the fellowship under the guidance of a Sponsor—a scientist (tenured, tenure-track or equivalent position) capable of providing mentorship to the Fellow. The award is for a period of four years and starts with $52,000 in the first year, building to $60,000 in the fourth year, plus a $2,000 allowance for educational and scientific expense and a $1,000 allowance for each dependent child each year.  More information
Sontag Foundation
Distinguished Scientist Awards
This award seeks to provide career and research support to early career scientists who demonstrate outstanding promise for making scientific and medical breakthroughs in the field of brain cancer research. Eligible applicants should be newly appointed faculty members with a doctoral degree. Applicants must have received their first independent faculty appointment no earlier than March 1, 2017 and no later than January 1, 2022 at a tax-exempt academic, research, or medical institution within the United States or an equivalent institution in Canada. This award is $600,000; $150,000 per year for a four-year period. More information
Application deadline
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program (AMFDP)
The Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program (AMFDP) offers four-year postdoctoral research awards to physicians, dentists, and nurses from historically disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to developing careers and achieving senior rank in academic medicine, dentistry, or nursing; fostering the development of succeeding classes of physicians, dentists, and nurses from historically disadvantaged backgrounds; improving the health of underserved populations; and/or working toward understanding and eliminating health disparities by achieving senior rank in academic medicine, dentistry, or nursing. RWJF will fund up to 10 four-year awards of up to $420,000 each in this grant cycle. Scholars will receive an annual stipend of up to $75,000 each, complemented by a $30,000 annual grant to support research activities. More information
Parkinson’s Foundation
Stanley Fahn Faculty Scholar Award
This award acts as a bridge to ensure promising early career scientists stay in the Parkinson’s research field, helping us solve, treat and end the disease. Each award provides $300,000 in total costs over three years. Indirect costs of up to 10% are allowed. Applicant salary support of up to 40% of salary is allowed. Junior faculty members possessing a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent are eligible to apply. The typical applicant will hold an assistant professor level position with up to several years of experience. More information
TBD. Last year’s award deadline was December 4, so it will likely be close to that for 2021. Check the website for updates on deadline information.
McKnight Foundation
Technology Awards
The program seeks to advance and enlarge the range of technologies available to the neurosciences. It does not support research based primarily on existing techniques. Awards provide up to $100,000 per year for two years. Each year, up to three awards are given. Funds may be used toward a variety of research activities but not the recipient’s salary. More information
TBD. Last year’s award deadline was December 7, so it will likely be close to that for 2021. Check the website for updates on deadline information.
Parkinson’s Foundation
Fellowship and Career Development Grants
The Parkinson’s Foundation offers several different grants to encourage young scientists, clinicians, and students to devote their talents to the study of Parkinson’s disease (PD). This is a two-year fellowship award for young scientists, fresh from their Ph.D. training or neurology residencies. The award offers $110,000 over two years, consisting of $50k annually to be used as salary and $5k for an annual research allowance to be used at the fellow’s discretion. More information
TBD. Last year’s award deadline was December 4, so it will likely be close to that for 2021. Check the website for updates on deadline information.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Preterm Birth Initiative
Growing evidence suggests the interrelatedness of the duration of pregnancy, fetal growth, and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth, preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, stillbirth, and maternal medical complications including maternal mortality. We seek to expand the scope of this award mechanism to capture these and other pregnancy outcomes as we believe they will be mutually informative and accelerate discovery. Each award will continue to provide up to $500,000 over a four-year period ($125,000 per year). The initiative is designed to stimulate both creative individual scientists and multi-investigator teams to approach healthy and adverse pregnancy outcomes using creative basic and translation science methods. The formation of new connections between reproductive scientists and investigators who are involved in other areas is particularly encouraged. More information
Applications Due
Limited Applicant
Warren Alpert Foundation
Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholars Fellowship Award
The Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholars program will support individual scientists of exceptional creativity who have an MD or PhD degree (or both) and who have completed a minimum of three years of a post-doctoral fellowship by July 1, 2021 in the field of neurosciences and hold a post-doctoral research position at a United States medical school, research institute or academic hospital. These awards are given as a transitional post-doctoral award for recipients to enable their advance to a full-time faculty member at the Assistant Professor level or higher and/or to assist in the development of a laboratory program that would lead to independent funding. The medical school, research institute or academic hospital appointing the scholar will be awarded $200,000 annually for two years to cover their salary, lab costs, and related expenses.  Under certain circumstances, the awardee may transfer funding to support their faculty position.  Indirect cost of up to 15% of direct costs, may be included in the $200,000.  All applicants are required to provide 75% effort. Read more
Registration to apply to fill this slot is required. Rush may nominate one candidate.
Internal Applications due
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
Reach Grant
Reach Grants are designed to move hypothesis-driven research into the clinic. The $250,000, two year grant is intended to fund developmental therapeutic studies in the late stage of preclinical testing. A successful application will identify an unmet clinical need relevant to the care of pediatric patients with cancer and describe how the work performed will allow for the translation to the clinic within two years of completion. A plan and timeline for clinical testing and trial implementation is expected. This grant does not fund clinical trial expenses. More information
Pilot Project
Institute for Translational Medicine
KL2 Clinical and Translational Scholar Awards
Are you a relatively new investigator at the faculty level of Assistant Professor or Instructor committed to a career in clinical and/or translational research? Don’t miss this opportunity to secure $75,000, protected research time, expert mentors, and more with the KL2 Clinical and Translational Scholar Awards, funded by the National Institutes of Health‘s  National Center for Advancing Translational Science.
Application deadline
Pilot Project
Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network (C3EN)
Research Project Pilot Grant Program
The Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network (C3EN) is coordinating a Research Project Pilot Grant Program that aims to expand and cultivate the network of health disparities researchers throughout the Chicago region.  More information
Application deadline
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Junior Investigator Awards
The Junior Investigator Award offers an award of up to $30,000 per year for two years for one child and adolescent psychiatry junior faculty (assistant professor level or equivalent). The program is intended to facilitate innovative research. The research may be basic or clinical in nature but must be relevant to our understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders. More information
Pilot Research Awards
The AACAP gives a number of grants to early career investigators conducting basic or clinical pilot research programs in the understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders. Candidates must be enrolled in a general psychiatry residency and they must not have any previous significant, individual research funding in the field of child and adolescent mental health. These awards are granted in the amount of $15,000. More information
Application deadline
American Cancer Society
The Role of Health Policy and Health Insurance in Improving Access to and Performance of Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Services
A call for research that evaluates the impact of the many changes now occurring in the healthcare system with a particular focus on cancer prevention, control, and treatment. Efforts focusing on improving access to care may also impact inequities that contribute to health disparities. New health public policy initiatives such as the new federal and state marketplaces that have expanded insurance coverage, as well as Medicaid expansion in some states, create natural experiments ripe for evaluation. Research to be funded by this RFA should focus on the changes in national, state, and/or local policy and the response to these changes by healthcare systems, insurers, payers, communities, practices, and patients.
Eligibility: Independent investigators at any career stage with a doctoral degree and a full-time faculty appointment or equivalent, who are evaluating changes in the health care system with a focus on cancer. More information
Application deadline
LUNGevity Foundation
Rising Tide/LUNGevity Team Award Program to Target Mechanisms of Resistance
The Rising Tide/LUNGevity Team Award Program to Target Mechanisms of Resistance funds high-impact research that seeks to develop therapeutic strategies targeting shared mechanisms of resistance in oncogene-driven lung adenocarcinoma. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree and have a faculty appointment. This is a $1,500,000 three-year team award; the involvement of at least two institutions is required. The program is open to both US and non-US applicants. More Information
Foundation for Women’s Wellness
Women’s Health Research Awards
The Foundation is offering one-time, non-recurring $25,000 awards for research in the area of cardiovascular disease, top female cancers, hormones role in disease and/or stage-of-life health concerns like pregnancy and menopause, as well as other diseases disproportionately affecting women. More information
Application deadline
Acumed LLC
Fellowship Grant 
These grants provide support for ACGME-accredited fellowship programs, or, for programs outside of the United States, accredited by the particular country’s ACGME equivalent. Fellowship Grants are intended to be used towards fellow stipends and direct educational expenses. The awarding of Fellowship Grants is limited to once per calendar year. More information
Application deadline
Whitehall Foundation
Research Grants Program
The Whitehall Foundation supports scholarly research in the life sciences, especially in dynamic areas of basic biological research that are not heavily funded by federal agencies. Research grants are available to established scientists; applications will be reviewed on their scientific merit and the innovative aspects of the proposal. Research grants up to three years will be provided, ranging from $30K to $75K per year. More information 
LOI Deadline
The Alternatives Research & Development Foundation
2022 Open Grant Program
This foundation promotes alternatives to the use of laboratory animals in research, testing, and education.  The grant program provides opportunities for scientists who have interest and expertise in alternatives research.  Preference is given to projects that use pathway-based approaches as exemplified by the 2007 National Academy of Sciences report, Toxicity Testing in the Twenty-first Century: A Vision and A Strategy.  This award provides up to $40,000. Funds may not be used for the PI’s salary, fringe benefits, or travel.  More information
Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Various Research Grants
The Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is offering multiple research grant opportunities. The New Investigator Research Grant and Pediatric PM&R Research grant are awarded in the amount of $10K. Scott F. Nadler PASSOR Musculoskeletal Research Grant is awarded in the amount of $30k. Applications for these grants must be submitted through the online portal by May 1. More information
William T. Grant Foundation
Research Grants
This funder awards grants to research that increases understanding in two areas: programs, policies and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes; and strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth. The Foundation focuses on studies affecting youth ages 5 to 25. Research grants about reducing inequality typically range between $100,000 and $600,000 and cover two to three years of support. Research grants about improving the use of research initiative will range between $100,000 and $1,000,000 and cover two to four years of support. More information
Cures Within Reach
Drug Repurposing Clinical Trials to Impact Blood Cancers
This Request for Proposals is seeking repurposed treatments to address unsolved blood cancers. We are interested in generic or proprietary drugs that could be repurposed to create "new" treatments to 1) reduce the symptoms, progression or incidence of; 2) restore function lost to; or 3) reduce or eliminate severe side effects of currently used therapies for any blood cancer, thereby improving patient outcomes and quality of life. More information
Brain Aneurysm Foundation
2022 Research Grant Program
The Foundation is accepting applications for basic scientific research in early detection, improved treatment modalities, and technological advances for improving outcomes of patients with brain aneurysms as well as projects that are translational, clinical/outcome, early detection, imaging, and SAH/SAH complications focused. Any project with the potential to advance basic scientific, translational, and clinical brain aneurysm research will be considered. Grants will be awarded this year in varying amounts ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 each. More information
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Interdisciplinary Research Leaders
The Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program funds academic-community teams to “generate high-quality, community-engaged research useful for dismantling structural racism, improving health, and advancing health equity” and provides them with leadership development opportunities. Teams receive $125,000 for the research project and $225,000 in stipends. More information
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative/the National Academies
Science Diversity Leadership Program
The Science Diversity Leadership Program will fund “outstanding early- to mid-career researchers at U.S. universities, medical schools, or nonprofit research institutes who have a record of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in their scientific fields. They will have made significant research contributions to the biomedical sciences.” Each grantee receives $1.15 million over 5 years. More information
Limited Applicant
Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust
Catalyst Awards Program
The Catalyst Research Award Program provides one to two year of seed funding to support high-risk, high-reward projects that address critical scientific and therapeutic roadblocks within the Program’s principal areas of focus. The Program is designed to enable planning and development of projects, teams, tools, techniques and management infrastructure necessary to successfully compete for two-year award through the Transformational Research Award Program. One to two year awards of up to $300,000 will be awarded (inclusive of 10% indirect costs).  Rush may nominate two candidates. More information
Register for a slot by 5 p.m.  
Internal Applications are due by 5 p.m.
Pilot Project
Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust
John G. Searle Innovator Awards
The John G. Searle Innovator Awards provide pilot funding for innovative, investigator-initiated research. These awards, generously funded by the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust, are designed to encourage translational research by funding well-designed projects that could be competitive for future larger grants from a federal or private agency. More information
Letter of Intent Deadline by 5 p.m.
Pilot Project
Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Rush Faculty Scholars Program
With the generous support of the Dean, the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center (RADC) is happy to announce the Rush Faculty Scholars Program.  The RADC has generated numerous resources that support dozens of grants at Rush, across the country and around the world. The Rush Faculty Scholars Program will provide two Rush faculty, in partnership with one or more RADC faculty members, funding to leverage RADC resources to support an application for external funding. More information
8 a.m. CST
Application Deadline
Pilot Project
Rush Center for Excellence in Aging
Rush Center for Excellence in Aging – Pilot Grant
To support members across cores of the Center for Excellence in Aging (CEA) and disciplines in collaborating to collect pilot data for projects that advance the mission of the CEA and are likely to lead to an extramural grant to Rush from a foundation, State, or Federal government agency (e.g., National Institutes of Health [NIH], Health Resources & Services Administration [HRSA]). The Center for Excellence in Aging will fund one proposal up to $25,000 starting July 1, 2022.  More information
Proposals Due
Cures Within Reach
Repurposing Research to Address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the Greater Chicago Area
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is seeking clinical repurposing trials from any research institution in the greater Chicago area to address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in clinical research. While the funded institutions and Principal Investigators (PIs) must be in Chicagoland, patients and collaborators can be both within and outside the Chicago area. Clinical trials utilizing telehealth or other remote strategies are encouraged to apply. Eligible submissions must EITHER: Address disease racial / ethnic health disparities in communities of color led by a greater Chicago area PI of any racial / ethnic background OR Be in any disease area and led by a greater Chicago area underrepresented racial / ethnic minority PI
  • Be interventional clinical trials using repurposed therapies, including drugs, devices, nutraceuticals and diagnostics, that are already approved or generally recognized as safe by the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency or other regulatory agency.
  • Be conducted at greater Chicago area accredited academic, nonprofit and governmental research institutions and/or health systems significantly involved with medical research, where good scientific research and clinical practices can be assured
Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor Ovarian Cancer Foundation
Medical Research Grant
This program offers funding in support of ovarian cancer research studies that are most aligned with that mission, which is to promote public awareness of and education about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of ovarian cancer, provide support to survivors, and raise funds for research in order to find a cure. Applicants must be affiliated with a not-for-profit institution within the U.S. Requests for funding of up to $10,000 per year will be considered. Indirect costs are not allowed. More Information
Cures Within Reach
Repurposing Research to Address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the Greater Chicago Area
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is seeking clinical repurposing trials from any research institution in the greater Chicago area to address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in clinical research. While the funded institutions and Principal Investigators (PIs) must be in Chicagoland, patients and collaborators can be both within and outside the Chicago area. Clinical trials utilizing telehealth or other remote strategies are encouraged to apply. Eligible submissions must EITHER: Address disease racial / ethnic health disparities in communities of color led by a greater Chicago area PI of any racial / ethnic background OR Be in any disease area and led by a greater Chicago area underrepresented racial / ethnic minority PI
  • Be interventional clinical trials using repurposed therapies, including drugs, devices, nutraceuticals and diagnostics, that are already approved or generally recognized as safe by the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency or other regulatory agency.
  • Be conducted at greater Chicago area accredited academic, nonprofit and governmental research institutions and/or health systems significantly involved with medical research, where good scientific research and clinical practices can be assured
Cures Within Reach
CureAccelerator Live! for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Rare Diseases
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is seeking clinical repurposing trials in any rare disease from US-based Principal Investigators (PIs) to address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, for an upcoming CureAccelerator Live! event. CureAccelerator Live! is a philanthropic pitch event, raising awareness of and funding for innovative repurposing research projects, with up to $70,000 total in clinical research funding (which includes the required 20% Institutional Match; see Important Funding Information below) for the winning project announced during the event. Up to five clinical repurposing trials will be selected to pitch at this event, likely held in Fall 2022. More specifics about the CureAccelerator Live! event to come. More information
The Vilcek Foundation
Creative Promise in Biomedical Science
This foundation is seeking applicants for the Creative Promise in Biomedical Science prize, given to young, foreign-born researchers age 38 and under. Three winners will be awarded a $50,000 unrestricted cash prize. Interested applicants may apply directly to this opportunity, as the grant is awarded directly to investigators, rather than their institution. More information
James S. McDonnell Foundation
21st Century Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards:Understanding Dynamic and Multi-scale Systems
The Understanding Dynamic and Multi-Scale Systems program supports scholarship and research directed toward the development of theoretical and mathematical tools contributing to the science of complex, adaptive, nonlinear systems. JSMF is particularly interested in the continued development of complex systems science, and in projects attempting to apply complex systems approaches to coherently articulated questions. This award is for $200,000 over two to three years. More information
Letters of support and applications due
Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
2022 Grant Programs
OREF is offering various grant opportunities ranging from $5,000 to $300,000. More information
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Basic Biomedical Research Fellowship
Candidates who hold, or are in the final stages of obtaining a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree and are seeking beginning postdoctoral training in all basic biomedical research are eligible to apply for a fellowship. This is a three-year fellowship that provides an annual $54-$60K stipend and $1.5K research allowance.  A two-day meeting of fellows is held in November of each year and travel expenses incurred are covered by the foundation. More information
Rheumatology Research Foundation
Innovative Research Awards
The Rheumatology Research Foundation is offering the Innovative Research award in the amount of $400,000 over two years and the Innovative Research Award for Community Practitioners in the amount of $50,000 to $200,000 per year over two years. These awards will help enable research that has the potential to improve treatment of rheumatic diseases, patient outcomes, and/or increase quality of care. An outstanding recipient of the Innovative Research Award for Community Practitioners will receive the Norman B. Gaylis, MD, Research Award for Rheumatologists in Community Practice designation.  More information
The Patchwork Collective
The Maternal & Infant Health Award
The Maternal & Infant Health Award is a grant competition using the MacArthur Foundation’s Lever for Change platform, seeking to “improve and accelerate equitable maternal and infant health outcomes around the world.” A single initiative will receive $10 million. Successful projects will be community-led, impactful, durable, and feasible. More information
Registration Deadline
Little Giraffe Foundation
2022 Neonatal Research Initiative
This funder is offering neonatal research grants in the amount of $5,000-$10,000. Research may address either the long-term or immediate health needs caused by premature birth, or identify causes and means of preventing this condition.  Appropriate research subjects include basic biological processes governing development, genetics, clinical studies, reproductive health, environmental toxicology, and social and behavioral studies. More information
Johnson & Johnson
Advancing Health Equity QuickFire Challenge
Innovators are invited to submit potentially ground-breaking solutions that could advance the trajectory of population health research from basic detection to the design and implementation of interventions aiming to reduce healthcare inequities. The innovator(s) with the best potential solution can receive grant funding from a total pool of $400,000, access to the global Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS (JLABS) network and mentorship from experts at the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies (Johnson & Johnson). More information
Human Vaccines Project
2022 Michelson Prizes
The Michelson Prizes: Next Generation Grants are $150,000 research grants given annually to support promising researchers who are applying disruptive concepts and inventive processes to advance human immunology, vaccine discovery, and immunotherapy research for major global diseases. The committee will be looking for research aimed at tackling the current roadblocks that exist in human vaccine development and expanding our limited understanding of key immune processes that are fundamental to successful vaccine and immunotherapy development. The Michelson Prizes are awarding research that is highly innovative and impactful, with the potential to be applied across many disease.  More information
American Psychological Foundation
Marian R. Stuart Grant
The APF is offering grants up to $20,000 to further the research, practice, or education of an early career psychologist on the connection between mental and physical health, particularly for work that contributes to public health. Applicants must be no more than 10 years post-doctoral. More information
Full proposals due
Mazda Foundation
2022 Grants
The Mazda Foundation awards grants to programs promoting education and literacy; environmental conservation; cross-cultural understanding; social welfare; and scientific research. Full proposals are due July 1 for funding to be announced in December. More information
Full proposals due
NIHCM Foundation
Innovative Research Award Grants
The NIHCM Foundation is offering the Innovative Research Award Grants to support research that will advance the existing knowledge base in the areas of health care financing, delivery, management and/or policy. Studies must have strong potential to yield insights that can be used to have a positive impact on the U.S. health care system by reducing spending, improving quality of care, and/or expanding access to insurance coverage and health care services. This grant provides $500,000 in total for 8 to 9 different studies. Full proposals will be requested from selected groups in August; full proposals will be due in September. More information
LOI due
The Hope Foundation for Cancer Research
The SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award
The SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award is a funding program from The Hope Foundation that encourages novel and innovative SWOG research by supporting early and conceptual stages of these projects. The work proposed should use resources from completed SWOG trials or be directly translatable to clinical trials in SWOG and the NCTN in the foreseeable future. Individual projects are funded for up to $250,000 (total cost) and may be spent over a 2-year award period. Funding for smaller feasibility projects that are critical to the conduct of future SWOG trials are also encouraged. Indirect costs are included in the total award and limited to a rate of 25%.  More information
LOI due
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Rachleff Innovation Award
The Innovation Award is specifically designed to provide funding to extraordinary early career researchers who have an innovative new idea but lack sufficient preliminary data to obtain traditional funding. It is not designed to fund incremental advances. The research supported by the award must be novel, exceptionally creative and, if successful, have the strong potential for high impact in the cancer field. The Stage 1 award will be for two years, $200,000 per year ($400,000 total) with the opportunity for up to two additional years of funding (up to four years total for $800,000). Stage 2 support for years three and four will be granted to those awardees who demonstrate progress on their proposed research during years one and two of the award.  More information
Applications due
Treatment Optimization in ALK-positive Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Pfizer Global Medical Grants (GMG) supports the global healthcare community’s independent initiatives (e.g., research, quality improvement, or education) to improve patient outcomes in areas of unmet medical need that are aligned with Pfizer’s medical and/or scientific strategies.
Projects that will be considered for support will focus on latest clinical data updates relevant to the treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic ALK-positive NSCLC, Elements of optimal clinical management of these patients, e.g., mitigation of adverse events, and dose modification, and Role of the caregiver in clinical management, e.g., dose modification/compliance, adverse event identification. Priority will be given to educational programs that utilize unique learning formats, leverage collaborative platforms, promote case-based discussion, and are tailored to the needs of general/community oncologists and advanced practice providers (APPs).  Awards of up to $250,000 will be announced in October of 2022.More information
Application due
Cancer Research Institute
Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
This program supports young scientists who wish to receive training in cancer immunology.  The Institute is seeking hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies in both immunology and tumor immunology.  Applicants must have a doctoral degree and not have exceeded five years of postdoctoral experience by the start of the award.  Fellows receive up to $175,500 over three years to cover the cost of salary, insurance, and other research-related expenses, such as travel to conferences and meetings. Applications are due online by October 1 and applicants will be notified within 10-12 weeks. More information
Application due
Kenneth Rainin Foundation
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Innovator Award
The Kenneth Rainin Foundation supports high-risk research and challenges investigators to push boundaries to advance their goal of predicting and preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).  The program is open to researchers at all levels from any scientific discipline; typically they hold advanced degrees (MD, PhD or equivalent). Interdisciplinary collaboration is strongly encouraged. The program provides $200,000 grants for one-year research projects. More information
Letter of Intent due
Whitehall Foundation
Research Grants
Research grants are available to established scientists of all ages working at accredited institutions in the United States. Applications will be judged on the scientific merit and the innovative aspects of the proposal as well as on the competence of the applicant. Research grants of up to three years will be provided. A renewal grant with a maximum of two years is possible, but it will be awarded on a competitive basis. Research grants will not be awarded to investigators who have already received, or expect to receive, substantial support from other sources, even if it is for an unrelated purpose. The maximum budget is $100,000 per year for the two- and three-year research grants. More information
Letter of Intent due
Whitehall Foundation
The Grants-in-Aid program is designed for researchers at the assistant professor level who experience difficulty in competing for research funds because they have not yet become firmly established. Grants-in-Aid can also be made to senior scientists. All applications will be judged on the scientific merit and innovative aspects of the proposal, as well as on past performance and evidence of the applicant’s continued productivity. Grants-in-Aid are awarded for a one-year period and do not exceed $30,000. The majority of the applications received are for a three-year research grant. More information
Letter of Intent due
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Career Awards for Medical Scientists
The Career Awards for Medical Scientists is a highly competitive program that provides $700,000 awards over five years for physician-scientists who are committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service. Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research.  Proposals in health services research or involving large-scale clinical trials are not eligible. More information
Application due
Pilot Projects
Chicago Center on Musculoskeletal Pain
This funding opportunity aims to fund pilot and feasibility studies focused on mechanisms underlying pain associated with musculoskeletal and rheumatic diseases (including - but not limited to - osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, heritable connective tissue diseases, low back pain, intervertebral disc degeneration, fractures). Successful projects should provide the basis for subsequent applications for independent research support from the NIH and other funding agencies. More information
Proposal due
Pilot Projects
Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases (CEID)
Pilot Projects - CEID
The Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases (CEID) is opening the application process for pilot proposals for projects developing innovative approaches to research, education and community outreach in areas related to infectious disease. Projects are intended to enable alliances between Rush researchers and others in the community focused on educational and research activities in infectious disease. More information
Proposal due
Pilot Projects
RUSH Institute for Healthy Aging
Pilot Projects: Martha Clare Morris Emerging Investigator Award
The RUSH Institute for Healthy Aging, in Partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association, is inviting applications for Martha Clare Morris Emerging Investigator Award.
The Martha Clare Morris Emerging Investigator Award aims to fund one early-career investigator focusing on dietary research and Aging or Cognitive Function or Brain Health. Dr. Martha Clare Morris was a pioneer in nutrition epidemiology who studied the link between diet and Alzheimer’s disease. Her research revealed various nutrients associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline. Taking results from her research, she developed the Mediterranean-Dash Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) to prevent cognitive decline. This award is to honor her legacy and scientific research contributions. 
This program is to provide early-stage investigators funds to develop preliminary or pilot data, test procedures, and scientific hypotheses that will lay the groundwork for future research grant applications to federal or other funding entities. More information
Proposal due
PhilanthropicCitizens United for Research in Epilepsy2021 CURE Epilepsy AwardsThe CURE Epilepsy Award (2 years / $250,000) reflects CURE Epilepsy’s continued focus on scientific advances that have the potential to truly transform the lives of those affected by epilepsy, with prevention and disease modification as critical goals. Key priority areas for the award include: 1) Basic mechanisms of epilepsy; 2) Acquired epilepsies; 3) Pediatric epilepsies; 4) SUDEP; 5) Treatment-resistant epilepsies; and 6) Sleep & epilepsy. More Information


LOI due

PhilanthropicConquer CancerCareer Development AwardThe Career Development Award provides research funding to clinical investigators who have received their initial faculty appointments as they work to establish an independent clinical cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects. Proposals with a predominant focus on in vitro or animal studies (even if clinically relevant) are not allowed. The award is a three-year grant totaling $200,000. More information



PhilanthropicBright Focus GroupAlzheimer’s Disease Research GrantsThe Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program through Bright Focus Foundation offers two types of awards: Standard Awards and Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards. The standard awards provide $300,000 over three years for researchers who have already generated some amount of preliminary data, but are often required to demonstrate additional, significant progress before they can apply to governmental or industrial funding agencies. Postdoctoral fellowship awards are intended for young researchers in their final stages of mentored training. These awards of $100,000 over two years fund projects in an established laboratory that will serve as the basis for the applicant’s own independent research career. More information


Full proposal due

PhilanthropicGroup Foundation for Advancing Mental HealthGroup Psychotherapy GrantThe Group Foundation for Advancing Mental Health is calling for grant proposals for original critical research reviews, either qualitative or quantitative (particularly meta-analyses), that focus on some selected area of group psychotherapy. The Group Psychotherapy Foundation is seeking research-focused, rather than program-focused, applications. Grants up to $5,000 are awarded; investigator salaries will not be funded. More information


Full proposals due

PhilanthropicAlpha Phi FoundationHeart to Heart GrantThrough their annual Heart to Heart Grant, Alpha Phi Foundation helps fund research and educational programs that support the improvement of women’s heart health. The Heart to Heart Grant awards a $100,000 annually to medical professionals to better understand heart disease in women—specifically its symptoms, treatment, and prevention. More information


Full proposals due

PhilanthropicGerber Foundation2023 Pediatric Research Grants

Priority is given to projects that improve the nutrition, care and development of infants and young children from the first year before birth to three years of age. The Foundation is particularly interested in fresh approaches to solving common, everyday problems or emerging issues within our defined focus areas: pediatric health; pediatric nutrition, and environmental hazards. Major target areas for research include:

  • New diagnostic tools that may be more rapid, more specific, more sensitive, less invasive
  • New treatment regimens that are improved or novel, less stressful or painful, more targeted, have less side effects, provide optimal dosing
  • Symptom relief
  • Preventative measures
  • Assessment of deficiencies or excesses (vitamins, minerals, drugs, etc.)
  • Risk assessment tools or measures for environmental hazards, trauma, etc.

Limit $350,000 on grants with no more than $125,000/year; includes indirect costs. More information


Concept papers due

PhilanthropicGerber Foundation2023 Novice Pediatric Research Grants

Applications for Novice grants follow the same process as regular grants and are limited to no more than $30,000 in total (inclusive of indirects). They are identified by the amount requested in the application. Eligible applicants include physicians, PhD candidates, PharmD candidates, and other similar degree candidates:

  • in a residency or fellowship training program or those who are no more than one year post training
  • have not received a K award from the National Institutes of Health
  • have an assigned mentor for the project and a current development plan

More information


Concept papers due

PhilanthropicDoris Duke Charitable FoundationClinical Scientist Development Award

The Clinical Scientist Development Awards consist of $150,000 annual direct costs plus $15,000 (10%) annual indirect costs for three years. The priority of the Clinical Scientist Development Awards program is to fund outstanding individuals with potential for clinical research careers, substantial institutional commitments to mentorship and career development, and whose projects will address highly significant research questions and lead to career advancement. The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation does not have funding priorities based on disease area or research type.

In keeping with the wishes expressed in Doris Duke’s will, experiments that use animals or tissues derived from animals, including cell lines, will not be supported by this program. More information


Pre-proposal due

PhilanthropicPancreatic Cancer Action Network2022 Career Development AwardSupports junior faculty to conduct pancreatic cancer research and establish successful career paths in the field. Proposed research may be basic, translational, clinical or epidemiological in nature and must have direct applicability and relevance to pancreatic cancer. Special consideration will be given to understudied areas in pancreatic cancer research, minority researchers, and research focused on cancer health disparities. More information


Full proposal due

PhilanthropicBurroughs Wellcome FundPreterm Birth Initiative

Growing evidence suggests the interrelatedness of the duration of pregnancy, fetal growth, and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth, preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, stillbirth, and maternal medical complications including maternal mortality.

Other areas of interest are climate change and environmental impact on pregnancy, complications associated with ART, and epigenome-wide association studies.

We seek to expand the scope of this award mechanism to capture these and other pregnancy outcomes as we believe they will be mutually informative and accelerate discovery. Each award will continue to provide up to $500,000 over a four-year period ($125,000 per year).

The initiative is designed to stimulate both creative individual scientists and multi-investigator teams to approach healthy and adverse pregnancy outcomes using creative basic and translation science methods. The formation of new connections between reproductive scientists and investigators who are involved in other areas is particularly encouraged. More information


Full application due

PhilanthropicCystic Fibrosis FoundationResearch Grants

Research grants are intended to support basic science research. Studies may be carried out at the subcellular, cellular, animal, or patient levels. To be considered, proposals must be hypothesis-driven and provide sufficient preliminary data to justify Cystic Fibrosis Foundation support.

For Fall submissions, support is available for $150,000 per year (plus 12% for indirect costs) for up to two years, at which time a grant may be competitively renewed for additional funding. More information


Full application due

PhilanthropicDamon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationPhysician-Scientist Training AwardAwards of $460,000 over 4 years is awarded to physicians to encourage them to pursue research careers in cancer. Physician-scientist applicants (MDs only) must have completed their residencies and clinical training, be U.S. Specialty Board eligible prior to the award start date, and be able to devote at least 80% of their time and effort to Damon Runyon-supported research. MD/PhDs are not eligible to apply. Candidates cannot have more than 3 years of post-doctoral research, cannot be holding or awarded NIH K funding, and must apply with a mentor. More information


Full proposal due

PhilanthropicMarsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research2023 Scientific Scholar Awards and Pilot Study AwardsThe Rivkin Center is seeking applications for two grant programs. For the Scientific Scholar Awards, grants of up $120,000 over two years will be awarded to promising laboratory and clinical scientists interested in pursuing a career as an independent investigator in ovarian cancer research. Eligible applicants must have an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree with career goals focused on ovarian cancer, and clinicians must have completed their residency. For the Pilot Study Awards, grants of $75,000 will be awarded for investigator-initiated studies in all areas of ovarian cancer research that pave the way for new avenues of ovarian cancer research and to expand our understanding of the disease. For both grants, funds are for direct costs only. More information


Full proposals due

PhilanthropicCerebral Palsy Alliance Research FoundationProject Grant

We welcome project grant applications from all researchers who want to move cerebral palsy research forward through their work, and who seek to build and expand their reputation in the cerebral palsy field. We strongly encourage applicants to include junior researchers on their teams to foster new talent in the field.

We will give special attention to applications that highlight a project’s direct and indirect effects on individuals, communities, and society. Impact includes knowledge advancement; improvements to health, equity, and capacity building; and other social, cultural, and/or economic benefits experienced by people with cerebral palsy, their families, and their care teams. Amount: Range between $70,000-$180,000. More information


Pre-application due

PhilanthropicMcKnight FoundationNeurobiology of Brain Disorders Award

Technology Award has been discontinued. However, you can apply for the McKnight Neurobiology of Brain Disorders Award (NBD Award) assists scientists working to apply the knowledge achieved through basic research to human brain disorders, and who demonstrate a commitment to equitable and inclusive lab environments.

Each year, up to four awards are given. Awards provide $100,000 per year for three years. Funds may be used toward a variety of research activities. They may not be used for the recipient’s salary.

We are interested in proposals that address the biological mechanisms of neurological and psychiatric disorders. This includes proposals that provide mechanistic insights into neurological functions at the synaptic, cellular, molecular, genetic or behavioral level across different species, including humans and vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms. A new additional area of interest is the contribution of the environment to brain disorders. We are particularly interested in proposals that incorporate new approaches and in those that provide potential paths for therapeutic interventions. Collaborative and cross-disciplinary applications are encouraged. More Information


LOI due

Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Research Grants
Research Grant applications are being accepted for a one year award which will allow the establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. There are no limits set on the grant amount that can be requested, but last year’s award amounts range from $98,000-$187,000. More information
Full proposal due
Pilot ProjectThe Brinson FoundationPilot Projects: Early Career Investigators - Brinson Medical Research FellowshipThe Office of the Vice Provost for Research is requesting applications from Early Career Investigators for a Brinson Medical Research Fellowship opportunity. These fellowship awards favor creative and innovative research that has the potential to lead to additional studies. The Foundation is open to supporting research in a wide range of specialties, but less interested in the following areas: Psychiatry/Behavioral health, Food Sciences, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and qualitative research. These pilot awards are intended to provide resources to enable research projects that may be tangential to a major research focus or to expand the scope of a major project. Funding will be for a period of one year with the possibility of an additional year based on the progress attained during the first funding period.  More information
Application due
Pilot Project
Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM
TL1 Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Research, Biomedical Informatics, and Health Equity
The TL1 Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Research, Biomedical Informatics, and Health Equity is a National Research Service Award (NRSA) funded training program comprising participating degree programs at the University of Chicago, Rush University, and Loyola University Chicago. The program will prepare postdoctoral trainees with clinical (MD, DNP, PharmD, DMD/DDS, etc.) or research degrees (PhD) with the skills to conduct independent and collaborative research that will transform the science and practice of medicine, improve clinical practice and health outcomes, and advance health toward health equity.
Trainees can be based at any ITM institution and will select one of three training pathways based on their research interests and training needs: 1) Clinical Research Pathway, 2) Medical Informatics Pathway, or 3) Public Health Pathway.  More information
Application due
Pilot Project
Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network (C3EN
Research Project Pilot Grant Program
The Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network (C3EN) is coordinating a Research Project Pilot Grant Program that aims to expand and cultivate the network of health disparities researchers throughout the Chicago region.  More information    
Application deadline
Acumed LLC
Professional Medical Education Grants
Professional Medical Education Grants provide funding for independent medical educational programs for health care professionals, including congresses, conferences, symposiums, or courses, with or without labs, that are sponsored by professional medical associations, societies, or continuing education providers and academic institution labs. This includes support requested for cadaveric labs intended to educate fellows or residents at an academic institution. More information
Rolling Deadline:  Completed application, including all required supporting documentation, must be received at least 60 days before the scheduled date of the event, activity, or program.
Parkinson’s Foundation
Community Grants
The Foundation funds programs that are impactful, sustainable, scalable and measurable. Programs may be new and existing grant-supported areas and/or pilot programs. All funded organizations and institutions must demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
The 2023 community grant cycle focuses on programs that:
  1. Educate and deliver exercise specifically designed for people with Parkinson’s
  2. Reach individuals who are newly diagnosed
  3. Address mental health and Parkinson’s
Full proposal due
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
Reach Grant
Reach Grants are designed to move hypothesis-driven research into the clinic. The $250,000, two year grant is intended to fund developmental therapeutic studies in the late stage of preclinical testing. A successful application will identify an unmet clinical need relevant to the care of pediatric patients with cancer and describe how the work performed will allow for the translation to the clinic within two years of completion. A plan and timeline for clinical testing and trial implementation is expected. This grant does not fund clinical trial expenses.
Application Due
The New York Stem Cell Foundation
Stem Cell Investigator Awards
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for Innovator Awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells. The goal of this initiative is to foster bold and innovative scientists with the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, and advance understanding and use of stem cells in the development of treatments for human disease. In addition to providing funding, NYSCF partners with investigators to advance and translate their research. The award provides $1.5M USD over 5 years and is open to researchers based at both national and international accredited academic and nonprofit research institutions. More Information
Application Due
McKnight Foundation
Technology Awards
The program seeks to advance and enlarge the range of technologies available to the neurosciences. It does not support research based primarily on existing techniques. Awards provide up to $100,000 per year for two years. Each year, up to three awards are given. Funds may be used toward a variety of research activities but not the recipient’s salary. More information
Full proposal due
(Previous cycle deadline was 12/01/2021; check website)
Arthritis National Research Foundation
Research Grant
ANRF provides a variety of arthritis research grants for research scientists. They are currently asking for proposals in the areas of arthritis research, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis and aging and Ankylosing Spondylitis. More Information
LOI due
(Previous cycle deadline was 01/15/2022; check website)
Limited Applicant
Warren Alpert Foundation
Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholars Fellowship Award
The Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholars program will support individual scientists of exceptional creativity who have an MD or PhD degree (or both) and who have completed a minimum of three years  of a post-doctoral fellowship by July 1, 2023 in the field of  neurosciences and hold a post-doctoral research position at a United States medical school, research institute or academic hospital. These awards are given as a transitional post-doctoral award for recipients to enable their advance to a full-time faculty member at the Assistant Professor level or higher and/or to assist in the development of a laboratory program that would lead to independent funding. The medical school, research institute or academic hospital appointing the scholar will be awarded $200,000 annually for two years to cover their salary, lab costs, and related expenses.  Under certain circumstances, the awardee may transfer funding to support their faculty position.  Indirect cost of up to 15% of direct costs, may be included in the $200,000.  All applicants are required to provide 75% effort. More information
Internal application deadline
Applications due (one slot)
Limited ApplicantsMary Kay Ash FoundationCancer Research Grant

The Mary Kay Ash Foundation is a non-profit public foundation, which focuses on funding research for innovative grants for translational research of cancers affecting women (ovarian, uterine, breast, endometrial or cervical cancer among others). Translational research is broadly defined as research that will provide a scientific link between laboratory research and the clinic. Such research would lead to improvement in diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, or treatment of the cancer. The grant will be up to $100,000 (combined direct and indirect costs) for a two-year period. The Foundation anticipates funding between 10 and 15 grants.

Rush may nominate one candidate. More information

RSVP for internal slot
Internal deadline
Pilot Projects
Rush Imaging Research Core
Pilot Project: MRI-based research projects
The recently established Rush Imaging Research Core (RIRC) offers competitive funding for pilot MRI-based research projects that will utilize RIRC’s state-of-the-art 3 Tesla Siemens Prisma scanner. RIRC’s new MRI scanner is located in the Rubschlager building and is equipped with hardware and software providing advanced, whole-body imaging capabilities.
The proposed principal investigator must hold a faculty appointment at Rush University Medical Center and the award must be administered through Rush. Preference will be given to new and young investigators, and to established investigators entering a new field of research. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) must be an integral component of the research, i.e. the research question cannot be answered without MRI. In general, investigators are only eligible to be funded by this mechanism once. However, investigators may apply for a second pilot project in future years providing the second project represents a new area of research. Clinical trials are not allowable. Awards are not intended to serve as a source of additional funding for existing, externally-funded research programs.
Before 5 p.m. CST
Pilot Projects
Orbit Institute
Developing Behavioral Treatments to Improve Heath Course
This course is open to scientists with an interest in behavioral treatment development to improve health behaviors. While applied behavioral and social scientists are the focus, basic scientists and methods experts are encouraged to apply as well.  Any post-graduate investigator (doctoral or terminal degree received) in the medical, behavioral, social, and statistical/methodology sciences who has a demonstrated, pre-existing interest in contributing to investigator teams in developing and testing behavioral treatments is eligible to apply to this course.
Application deadline
Pilot Projects
Embassy of France in the United States and the FACE Foundation
Transatlantic Research Partnership
The Transatlantic Research Partnership aims to encourage innovative research and new collaborations, with a view to supporting projects involving researchers at the beginning of their career. Created by the Embassy of France in the United States and the FACE Foundation, the Transatlantic Research Partnership fosters forward-looking collaborative research that addresses pressing global challenges. To this end, the program will support projects related to one or more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Responsible research and development, socially aware projects aimed at producing meaningful transformations while advancing peer-reviewed foundations for subsequent generations of scholars are all encouraged to apply. The SDG framework offers a broad set of priorities and applicants are expected to clearly demonstrate how their scientific efforts fall into this theme.
Application due
Pilot Projecs
Swim Across America & Bears Care (Breast Cancer)
Cancer Research 
In the interest of providing seed funds to support cancer research at Rush University Medical Center, Swim Across America (SAA) and Bears Care have committed philanthropic funds to support investigator-initiated research. The intent of these grants is to encourage translational research by funding well-designed projects that could be competitive for future larger grants from a federal or private agency. Early-stage investigators, defined as individuals who do not have or have not previously received NIH R01 or equivalent funding, are encouraged to apply.
  • For Swim Across America, applications are being solicited to conduct innovative translational, basic science, or population-based research relevant to the cause, prevention, diagnosis, cure or improved treatment of cancer.
  • For Bears Care, only breast cancer research projects that are new to Bears Care will be considered.
Registration deadline
Pilot Projects
Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
RUSH Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Request for Developmental Project Applications
The Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (Rush ADRC; P30AG072975) is funded by the National Institute on Aging, and, as part of its program, invites applications for developmental projects in Aging, Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease related dementias (AD/ADRD) research.
Application deadline
Philanthropic LUNGevity FoundationASTRO-LUNGevity Residents/Fellows in Radiation Oncology Seed GrantThe ASTRO-LUNGevity Residents/Fellows in Radiation Oncology Seed Grant fosters and develops the research careers of residents and fellows interested in radiation oncology-related basic, translational, and/or clinical research to benefit patients with lung cancer. This is a $25,000 one-year award. More Information



LUNGevity Foundation
EGFR Resisters/LUNGevity Research Award Program for EGFR-Positive Lung Cancer
The EGFR Resisters/LUNGevity Research Award Program for EGFR-Positive Lung Cancer funds high-impact research that seeks to transform the future for patients diagnosed with EGFR-positive lung cancer. Projects must directly relate to improvement of patient outcomes and/or lead to a clinical trial. This is a $200,000 two-year award. The program is open to both US and non-US applicants. More Information
LUNGevity Foundation
Early Detection Research Award Program
LUNGevity’s Early Detection Research Award Program supports translational research projects directed at new approaches to improve clinical methods for the detection and diagnosis of primary tumors. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree and have a faculty appointment. This is a two- or three-year $600,000 award. More Information
LUNGevity Foundation
LUNGevity’s Health Equity and Inclusiveness Research Fellow Award Program
LUNGevity’s Health Equity and Inclusiveness Research Fellow Award Program supports fellows who belong to underrepresented minorities in STEM who are interested in lung cancer research. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree, be pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship, and plan to pursue a career in lung cancer. This is a $100,000 two-year award. More Information
LUNGevity Foundation
Health Equity and Inclusiveness Junior Investigator Award Program
LUNGevity’s Health Equity and Inclusiveness Junior Investigator Award Program supports physician-scientists interested in conducting lung cancer clinical research and bridging health disparities by engaging underserved communities/underrepresented minorities. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree, be within the first five years of their first faculty appointment, and have completed a training fellowship. This is a $200,000 two-year award. More Information
LUNGevity Foundation
Veterans Affairs Research Scholar Award Program
LUNGevity’s Veterans Affairs Research Scholar Award Program supports investigators interested in lung cancer research within the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree and either be pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship program or be junior faculty within the first five years of their faculty appointment at the time of application. This is a $100,000 two-year award. More Information
LUNGevity Foundation
Career Development Award Program
3 years- $300,000: LUNGevity’s Career Development Award Program supports future research leaders who will keep the field of lung cancer research vibrant with new ideas. Research that will be funded in 2023 is expected to have a direct impact on the early detection of lung cancer and/or individualized lung cancer treatment, including through targeted therapy and immunotherapy. This is a mentored, three-year $300,000 award. More Information
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
LCRF Research Grant on Understanding Resistance in Lung Cancer
$150,000 award  over 2 years focusing on understanding resistance and support research projects with an emphasis on characterizing, identifying, treating, overcoming, or preventing resistance to therapies in lung tumor cells, tissues, mouse models, or patients. This mechanism will address important mechanistic questions and developmental therapeutics across the care continuum and have the potential to increase survivorship. More Information
Application Due
Philanthropic Lung Cancer Research FoundationLCRF Research Grant on Early-Detection and Pre-Neoplasia in Lung Cancer$150,000 award over 2 years for identifying, characterizing, and developing approaches that will detect lung cancer at the earliest stages. Given the significance and need for early detection of lung cancer and advancements in screening, this funding mechanism aims to support research projects that facilitate or advance the understanding and characterization of pre-neoplasia or approaches for early detection, in non-small cell and small cell lung cancer. More Information
Application Due
Philanthropic Lung Cancer Research FoundationLCRF Leading Edge Research Grant ProgramResearch into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of lung cancer. $150,000 award over 2 years for post-doctoral researchers, clinical fellows, or early- and mid-career investigators with less than 10 years’ experience since their initial faculty appointment.  More Information
Application Due
Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation
Ivy Foundation Translational Adult Glioma Grant Award 2023
The Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation Emerging Adult Glioma Award provides grant support to investigators conducting high-impact, high-reward translational research for glioblastoma.  This award is intended to support projects designed to contribute to identifying therapies that will impact the survival of patients with brain cancer. This award is for $600,000 over 2 years. More Information
Application Due
Acumed LLC
Education grants
Professional Medical Education Grants:  Professional Medical Education Grants provide funding for independent medical educational programs for health care professionals, including congresses, conferences, symposiums, or courses, with or without labs, that are sponsored by professional medical associations, societies, or continuing education providers and academic institution labs. This includes support requested for cadaveric labs intended to educate fellows or residents at an academic institution. More Information
Rolling deadline: completed application, including all required supporting documentation, must be received at least 60 days before the scheduled date of the event, activity, or program.
Philanthropic Ben & Catherine Ivy FoundationTranslational Adult Glioma AwardThe Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation Emerging Adult Glioma Award provides a $600,000 grant support to investigators conducting high-impact, high-reward translational research for glioblastoma.  This award is intended to support projects designed to contribute to identifying therapies that will impact the survival of patients with brain cancer. More Information
Application Due
Philanthropic  Ben & Catherine Ivy FoundationEmerging Leader Grant AwardThe Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation Emerging Leader Award provides this $500,000 grant support to early-to-mid-career investigators conducting high-impact, high-reward translational research for glioblastoma. This award is intended to support ambitious pilot projects designed to identify drug strategies appropriate for early-phase pharmacodynamic- and pharmacokinetic-driven clinical trials in partnership with the Ivy Brain Tumor Center. More Information
Application Due
Melanoma Research Foundation
Research Awards
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is committed to advancing research across the spectrum of melanoma – from prevention through diagnosis, staging, treatment and survivorship. The MRF proactively partners with the NCI, Congress, the Department of Defense and other foundations to develop and collaborate on a broad agenda for melanoma research that takes full advantage of all opportunities, while also sharing challenges.
Established Investigator Awards (EIA)
The EIAs provide funding of up to $100,000 per year for two years to established melanoma researchers, or senior researchers working in closely related fields who wish to move into melanoma research.
Career Development Awards (CDA)
The CDAs provide funding of up to $50,000 per year for two years to junior investigators. Researchers who are beginning a research career focused on melanoma are eligible. This year, the MRF will also offer specific career development awards focused on Pediatric Melanoma (PED CDA). Available through a separate award mechanism (please refer to the MRF website for additional details)
Young Investigator Research Team Award
The MRF, through its Breakthrough Consortium (the MRFBC), is pleased to offer the MRFBC Young Investigator Research Team Award to advance the field of translational immuno-oncology, generously funded by a grant from Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). This grant provides funding of up to $100,000 per year for two years to an investigative team consisting of junior investigators and senior mentors. More Information
Application Deadline
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Fellowship Award and Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award
These fellowship awards encourage all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. The Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award addresses pediatric cancer research, specifically. Candidates must have completed an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM degree (or its equivalent) and must apply for the fellowship under the guidance of a Sponsor—a scientist (tenured, tenure-track or equivalent position) capable of providing mentorship to the Fellow. The award is for a period of four years and starts with $52,000 in the first year, building to $60,000 in the fourth year, plus a $2,000 allowance for educational and scientific expense and a $1,000 allowance for each dependent child each year. More Information
Application Deadline
Sontag Foundation
Distinguished Scientist Awards
This award seeks to provide career and research support to early career scientists who demonstrate outstanding promise for making scientific and medical breakthroughs in the field of brain cancer research. Eligible applicants should be newly appointed faculty members with a doctoral degree. Grants will be awarded to proposals focused on research related to causes, cures or treatments of primary brain tumors/brain cancer. The award provides up to $600,000 in funding over a four-year period. More Information
Application Deadline
Thrasher Research Fund
Early Career Awards
Thrasher recognizes young investigators through funding medical research in a variety of topics related to children’s health. Eligible applicants include physicians in a residency/fellowship program or who have completed that program no more than one year before the date of submission of the Concept Paper. Post-doctoral researchers who received their doctoral degree no more than three years prior to the date of submission of the Concept Paper are also eligible. Grants up to $25,000 will be awarded over a maximum of two years. More Information
Concept Submission Deadline
International OCD Foundation
Michael Jenike Young Investigator Awards
Grants of up to $50,000 for early career researchers pursuing projects investigating OCD, BDD, hoarding disorder, or other disorders related to OCD. The Jenike Awards are made possible by thousands of individual donors who contribute to our research grant fund.
Innovator Award
$300,000 grants for senior researchers investigating OCD. The goal of these awards is to support research with the potential to revolutionize scientific understanding of OCD, accelerate progress toward new and more effective treatments, and discover ways to prevent OCD from taking hold in the first place. The Innovator Awards are made possible through the generosity of an anonymous donor to the IOCDF. More Information
Application Due
Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research
2023 Scientific Scholar Awards and Pilot Study Awards
The Rivkin Center is seeking applications for two grant programs. For the Scientific Scholar Awards, grants of up $120,000 over two years will be awarded to promising laboratory and clinical scientists interested in pursuing a career as an independent investigator in ovarian cancer research. Eligible applicants must have an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree with career goals focused on ovarian cancer, and clinicians must have completed their residency. For the Pilot Study Awards, grants of $75,000 will be awarded for investigator-initiated studies in all areas of ovarian cancer research that pave the way for new avenues of ovarian cancer research and to expand our understanding of the disease. For both grants, funds are for direct costs only. More information
Full proposal due
(Previous cycle deadline was 12/01/2021; check website)
Philanthropic Pablove Foundation2022 Research GrantsSenior postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty who hold M.D.s or Ph.D.s are eligible for this career development award. In addition, established scientists who are re-directing their research are also eligible to apply for seed funding. $50,000 may be used for direct costs that cover investigators’ salaries, supplies, technical help and travel. In lieu of indirect costs, a maximum of 5% of the grant amount will be provided to sponsoring institutions upon submission of the progress report. More information


LOI due 

(Previous cycle deadline was 12/01/2021; check website)

Other Funding OppoOpportunities ScienceScience & PINS PrizeThe Science & PINS Prize is awarded for innovative research that modulates neural activity through physical (electrical, magnetic, optical) stimulation of targeted sites in the nervous system with implications for translational medicine. Established in 2016, the prize is administered by Science and awarded annually for outstanding research as described in a 1,000 word essay based on research performed in the past three years. Award amount $25,000.  More information
Application Due
Other Funding OppoOpportunities Additional VenturesCatalyst to Independence AwardThe Additional Ventures Catalyst to Independence Award is a research award program that supports exceptional early career scientists during the final years of their mentored postdoctoral research position (Level I), through their transition to an independent faculty position (Level II). The Catalyst program supports investigators pursuing research relevant to single ventricle heart disease, including genetics, basic cardiovascular development, tissue engineering, computational modeling, and other relevant areas. Award amount: Up to $1.2M over 6 years. More information
Full proposal due
Other Funding OppoOpportunities Dresner FoundationDresner Foundation Myelodysplastic Syndromes Research Fund (MDSRF) Early Career Investigator Award/Established InvestigatorTo advance the understanding and treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) and related blood disorders (such as MDS/myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) overlap syndromes, secondary acute myeloid leukemia following MDS, idiopathic cytopenia of undetermined significance (ICUS), or clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), the foundation established the MDS Research Fund (MDSRF). Early Career Investigator awards will provide funding of up to $125,000 per year for two years. Established Investigators awards will provide funding of up to $250,000 per year for two years. More information
Full proposal by invitation only.
Other Funding OppoOpportunities AACRCancer Disparities Research FellowshipThe AACR Cancer Disparities Research Fellowship represents an effort to encourage and support postdoctoral or clinical research fellows to conduct cancer disparities research and to establish a successful career path in this field. The proposed research may be in basic, translational, clinical, or population sciences and must have direct applicability and relevance to cancer disparities. Award amount: $120,000 over 2 years. More information
Application Due
Other Funding OppoOpportunities AACRBreast Cancer Research FellowshipThe AACR Breast Cancer Research Fellowships represent a joint effort to encourage and support postdoctoral or clinical research fellows to conduct breast cancer research and to establish a successful career path in this field. The research proposed for funding may be basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiological in nature and must have direct applicability and relevance to breast cancer. Award amount: $120,000 over 2 years. More information
Application Due
Other Funding OppoOpportunities Lasker FoundationEssay ContestThe Lasker Essay Contest engages early career scientists and clinicians from the US and around the globe in a discussion about big questions in biology and medicine and the role of biomedical research in our society today. The Contest aims to build skills in communicating important medical and scientific issues to broad audiences. Award amount: $5,000. More information
Application Due
Other Funding OppoOpportunities National Geographic SocietyGrants ProgramThe National Geographic Society’s Grants Program provides “Level 1” funding to early-career researchers and practitioners conducting projects in science, conservation, technology, storytelling, and/or education that are aligned with one or more of the Society’s five focus areas: Ocean, Land, Wildlife, Human History & Cultures, and Human Ingenuity. Grantees are known as “Explorers,” and National Geographic seeks to fund individuals who have the potential and desire to make significant positive contributions to their field by leveraging the funding, capacity, and additional support provided by the National Geographic Society and connections to other Explorers. The grant is for up to one year for most projects; funding for projects with a technological approach may last up to two years. Award amount: Up to $20,000  More information
Application Due
Other Funding OppoOpportunities National Endowment for the HumanitiesFellowshipNEH Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Applications must clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Fellowships provide recipients time to conduct research or to produce books, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, e-books, digital materials, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, or critical editions resulting from previous research. Projects may be at any stage of development. Award amount: $60,000. More information
Application Due
Philanthropic  Pablove Foundation2022 Research GrantsSenior postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty who hold M.D.s or Ph.D.s are eligible for this career development award. In addition, established scientists who are re-directing their research are also eligible to apply for seed funding. $50,000 may be used for direct costs that cover investigators’ salaries, supplies, technical help and travel. In lieu of indirect costs, a maximum of 5% of the grant amount will be provided to sponsoring institutions upon submission of the progress report. More Information


LOI due 

(Previous cycle deadline was 12/01/2021; check website)

Philanthropic Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research2023 Scientific Scholar Awards and Pilot Study AwardsThe Rivkin Center is seeking applications for two grant programs. For the Scientific Scholar Awards, grants of up $120,000 over two years will be awarded to promising laboratory and clinical scientists interested in pursuing a career as an independent investigator in ovarian cancer research. Eligible applicants must have an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree with career goals focused on ovarian cancer, and clinicians must have completed their residency. For the Pilot Study Awards, grants of $75,000 will be awarded for investigator-initiated studies in all areas of ovarian cancer research that pave the way for new avenues of ovarian cancer research and to expand our understanding of the disease. For both grants, funds are for direct costs only. More information


Full proposal due

(Previous cycle deadline was 12/01/2021; check website)

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Junior Investigator Awards
The Junior Investigator Award offers an award of up to $30,000 per year for two years for one child and adolescent psychiatry junior faculty (assistant professor level or equivalent). The program is intended to facilitate innovative research. The research may be basic or clinical in nature but must be relevant to our understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders. More Information
Pilot Research Awards
The AACAP gives a number of grants to early career investigators conducting basic or clinical pilot research programs in the understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders. Candidates must be enrolled in a general psychiatry residency and they must not have any previous significant, individual research funding in the field of child and adolescent mental health. These awards are granted in the amount of $15,000. More Information
Application Deadline
American Cancer Society
The Role of Health Policy and Health Insurance in Improving Access to and Performance of Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Services
A call for research that evaluates the impact of the many changes now occurring in the healthcare system with a particular focus on cancer prevention, control, and treatment. Efforts focusing on improving access to care may also impact inequities that contribute to health disparities. New health public policy initiatives such as the new federal and state marketplaces that have expanded insurance coverage, as well as Medicaid expansion in some states, create natural experiments ripe for evaluation. Research to be funded by this RFA should focus on the changes in national, state, and/or local policy and the response to these changes by healthcare systems, insurers, payers, communities, practices, and patients.
Eligibility: Independent investigators at any career stage with a doctoral degree and a full-time faculty appointment or equivalent, who are evaluating changes in the health care system with a focus on cancer. More Information
Application Deadline
Foundation for Women’s Wellness
Women’s Health Research Awards
The Foundation is offering one-time, non-recurring $25,000 awards for research in the area of cardiovascular disease, top female cancers, hormones role in disease and/or stage-of-life health concerns like pregnancy and menopause, as well as other diseases disproportionately affecting women. More Information
Application Due
Whitehall Foundation
Research Grants Program
The Whitehall Foundation supports scholarly research in the life sciences, especially in dynamic areas of basic biological research that are not heavily funded by federal agencies. Research grants are available to established scientists; applications will be reviewed on their scientific merit and the innovative aspects of the proposal. Research grants up to three years will be provided, ranging from $30K to $75K per year. More Information
Application Due
Acumed LLC
Fellowship/education grants
Fellowship Grant: These grants provide support for ACGME-accredited fellowship programs, or, for programs outside of the United States, accredited by the particular country’s ACGME equivalent. Fellowship Grants are intended to be used towards fellow stipends and direct educational expenses. The awarding of Fellowship Grants is limited to once per calendar year. More Information
Application Due
The Alternatives Research & Development Foundation
2022 Open Grant Program
This foundation promotes alternatives to the use of laboratory animals in research, testing, and education.  The grant program provides opportunities for scientists who have interest and expertise in alternatives research.  Preference is given to projects that use pathway-based approaches as exemplified by the 2007 National Academy of Sciences report, Toxicity Testing in the Twenty-first Century: A Vision and A Strategy.  This award provides up to $40,000. Funds may not be used for the PI’s salary, fringe benefits, or travel.  More Information
Application Due
Philanthropic Foundation for Physical Medicine and RehabilitationVarious Research GrantsThe Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is offering multiple research grant opportunities. The New Investigator Research Grant and Pediatric PM&R Research grant are awarded in the amount of $10K. Scott F. Nadler PASSOR Musculoskeletal Research Grant is awarded in the amount of $30k. More Information


Application Due

William T. Grant Foundation
Research Grants
This funder awards grants to research that increases understanding in two areas: programs, policies and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes; and strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth. The Foundation focuses on studies affecting youth ages 5 to 25. Research grants about reducing inequality typically range between $100,000 and $600,000 and cover two to three years of support. Research grants about improving the use of research initiative will range between $100,000 and $1,000,000 and cover two to four years of support. More Information
Application Due
Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness
2022 Research Grants
ISPB offers unique grant opportunities supporting mentored pre-clinical or clinical research programs designed to foster junior investigator development while advancing clinical care in ophthalmology and optometry. Preference is given to high-quality grant submissions from applicants (PI) that are at the start of their career, including medical students, residents, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, assistant professors, and other junior faculty in the ophthalmology and optometry fields. Students must be currently enrolled full-time at an accredited Illinois institution of higher education or postdoctoral fellows/residents that are within seven years after receiving their advanced degree (MD, OD, PhD). Students, postdoctoral fellows, and residents are required to have a faculty mentor involved with their research. More Information
Application Due
Brain Aneurysm Foundation
2022 Research Grant Program
The Foundation is accepting applications for basic scientific research in early detection, improved treatment modalities, and technological advances for improving outcomes of patients with brain aneurysms as well as projects that are translational, clinical/outcome, early detection, imaging, and SAH/SAH complications focused. Any project with the potential to advance basic scientific, translational, and clinical brain aneurysm research will be considered. Grants will be awarded this year in varying amounts ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 each. More Information
Application Due
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Research Grant
The Elsa U. Pardee Foundation funds research to investigators in United States non-profit institutions proposing research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. The Foundation funds projects for a one-year period which will allow the establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. It is anticipated that this early-stage funding by the Foundation may lead to subsequent and expanded support using government agency funding. Project relevance to cancer detection, treatment, or cure should be clearly identified. By design, there are no limits set on the grant amount that can be requested. It must be reasonable and clearly supported by the scope of the project outlined in the application. Applications requesting more than 5% overhead are usually not considered. Papers verifying nonprofit status and relevant human subject and experimental animal treatment approvals from the recipient institution will be requested prior to project initiation. A final report summarizing financial expenditure and research achievement is required. More Information
Application Deadline
Gateway for Cancer Research
Gateway Grant
Gateway funds Phase I and II patient-centered cancer clinical trials that have the potential to shift the paradigm for standard of care. Strives to fund treatment-based studies at the bedside, including all types of cancers. Seeks to bring urgency to the process of cancer research for those patients who are looking for treatments today and are faced with difficult decisions without innovative live-saving options.  Gateway will place increasing emphasis on the funding patient centered and novel research that includes approaches with a high potential for success. 6 open awards providing between $200,000-$1,500,000 for between 2-5 years More Information
Application Due
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
LCRF Minority Career Development Award (CDA) in Lung Cancer
$150,000 award  over 2 years for post-doctoral researchers, clinical fellows, or early-career and mid-career investigators within 10 years of receiving their MD and/or PhD. Investigators must be from racial or ethnic groups that are underrepresented in health-related sciences and biomedical research. More Information
Application Due
LUNGevity Foundation
The Lustgarten Foundation Innovation and Collaboration Program
The Lustgarten Foundation Innovation and Collaboration Program intends to provide seed funding for highly innovative research with significant potential to accelerate the mission of the Lustgarten Foundation. Proposals should address key outstanding questions and have the potential to lead to a change in the current paradigm or conventional wisdom. Proposals that involve collaborations across groups or that bring new expertise and/or technology into the field will be preferred. $110,000 Award. More Information
Application Due
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative/the National Academies
Science Diversity Leadership Program
Each grantee receives $1.15 million over 5 years. The Science Diversity Leadership Program will fund “outstanding early- to mid-career researchers at U.S. universities, medical schools, or nonprofit research institutes who have a record of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in their scientific fields. They will have made significant research contributions to the biomedical sciences.” More Information
Application Due
CureSearch for Children's Cancer Research
Young Investigator Award
An opportunity for funding up to $75,000 per year for up to three years. Provides seed support for bright researchers, early in their careers, pursuing exciting and novel research in pediatric oncology. LOI opens May 1st. More Information
Pilot Projects
The Searle Foundation
John G. Searle Innovator Awards
The John G. Searle Innovator Awards provide pilot funding for innovative, investigator-initiated research. These awards, generously funded by the Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust, are designed to encourage translational research by funding well-designed projects that could be competitive for future larger grants from a federal or private agency. Read more
LOI deadline
Full application by invitation only.
Pilot Projects
Part of the Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials Award Program, the Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials
Career Development Award (Winn CDA)
Career Development Award (Winn CDA) is a 2-year program designed to support the career development of early-stage investigator physicians (as defined by NIH) who are underrepresented in medicine (URM) or who have a demonstrated commitment to increasing diversity in clinical research. The program prepares participants to become independent clinical trial investigators engaged in advancing health equity through their research and mentoring. More information
Application deadline
Pilot Projects
Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Rush Faculty Scholars Program
Center (RADC) is pleased to announce the Rush Faculty Scholars Program.  The RADC has generated numerous resources that support dozens of grants at Rush, across the country and around the world. The Rush Faculty Scholars Program will provide two Rush faculty, in partnership with one or more RADC faculty members, funding to leverage RADC resources to support an application for external funding.
Application Due
Pilot Projects
RUSH BMO Institute for Health Equity
RBIHE Health Equity Scholars Program
The Rush BMO Institute for Health Equity is requesting applications for the RBIHE Health Equity Research Scholars Program to support the expansion of researchers conducting innovative, community-partnered health equity research to improve health across the lifespan. The Scholars Program supports RUSH faculty members to develop a program of research that will lead to the identification of evidence-based approaches to improve health equity. Research topics within the following areas are of particular interest:
  • Development of interventions to improve health equity
  • Implementation of interventions to improve health equity
  • Examination of the influence of environment, social determinants, and other underlying mechanisms that lead to differences in health outcomes, in order to inform future intervention and program development
The Scholars Program will support faculty FTE and mentor time, in addition to funding for community partnership collaborations and pilot projects.
LOI due
Pilot Projects
Institute for Translational Medicine
ITM Pilot Award
The ITM launched a new Pilot Award program in 2017 that offers researchers more money, new resources, and collaboration opportunities with stakeholders ranging from industry to community members.
Since 2007, the ITM has awarded more than $8.5 million in its Pilot Awards to help accelerate innovative research. And the impacts have been huge. Researchers have explored creative projects, used their data to secure millions of dollars in federal funding, launched companies, and more.
The ITM is now thrilled to build on that success with a NEW Pilot Award program that offers:
  • Up to $60,000 in funding.
  • ITM resource support for study design, networking, and more.
  • Video production and communications support to share research findings and impacts.
The Patchwork Collective
The Maternal & Infant Health Award
A single initiative will receive $10 million. The Maternal & Infant Health Award is a grant competition using the MacArthur Foundation’s Lever for Change platform, seeking to “improve and accelerate equitable maternal and infant health outcomes around the world.” Successful projects will be community-led, impactful, durable, and feasible. More Information
Registration Deadline
The Vilcek Foundation
Creative Promise in Biomedical Science
Six $50,000 cash awards available. The Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise support emerging to mid-career immigrant professionals who have demonstrated exceptional achievements early in their careers. More Information
Application Due
Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
Skeletal Metastases and Pathological Fracture Research Grant In collaboration with the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society
$25,000 award. Solicits investigator-initiated research proposals focused on skeletal metastases. With advances in targeted therapies and personalized medicine, patients with advanced cancers and skeletal metastases live longer.
Eligibility: OREF requires an orthopaedic surgeon in the role of principal investigator (PI) or co-PI who may be collaborating with a PhD and/or MD in order to foster the application of a full range of expertise, approaches, technologies, and creativity.  A PhD may serve as the principal investigator (PI) if an orthopaedic surgeon serves as co-PI with equal contributions. More Information
Application Due
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Basic Biomedical Research Fellowship
Candidates who hold or are in the final stages of obtaining a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree and are seeking beginning postdoctoral training in all basic biomedical research are eligible to apply for a fellowship. This is a three-year fellowship that provides an annual $61K-$65K stipend and $1.5K research allowance.  A two-day meeting of fellows is held in November of each year and travel expenses incurred are covered by the foundation.  More Information
Application Due
Little Giraffe Foundation
2022 Neonatal Research Initiative
This funder is offering neonatal research grants in the amount of $5,000-$10,000. Research may address either the long-term or immediate health needs caused by premature birth, or identify causes and means of preventing this condition.  Appropriate research subjects include basic biological processes governing development, genetics, clinical studies, reproductive health, environmental toxicology, and social and behavioral studies.  More Information
American Psychological Foundation
Marian R. Stuart Grant
The APF is offering grants up to $20,000 to further the research, practice, or education of an early career psychologist on the connection between mental and physical health, particularly for work that contributes to public health. Applicants must be no more than 10 years post-doctoral. More Information
Full Proposal Due
NIHCM Foundation
Innovative Research Award Grants
The NIHCM Foundation is offering the Innovative Research Award Grants to support research that will advance the existing knowledge base in the areas of health care financing, delivery, management and/or policy. Studies must have strong potential to yield insights that can be used to have a positive impact on the U.S. health care system by reducing spending, improving quality of care, and/or expanding access to insurance coverage and health care services. This grant provides $500,000 in total for 8 to 9 different studies. Full proposals will be requested from selected groups in August; full proposals will be due in September. More Information
The Hope Foundation for Cancer Research
The SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award
The SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award is a funding program from The Hope Foundation that encourages novel and innovative SWOG research by supporting early and conceptual stages of these projects. The work proposed should use resources from completed SWOG trials or be directly translatable to clinical trials in SWOG and the NCTN in the foreseeable future. Individual projects are funded for up to $250,000 (total cost) and may be spent over a 2-year award period. Funding for smaller feasibility projects that are critical to the conduct of future SWOG trials are also encouraged. Indirect costs are included in the total award and limited to a rate of 25%.. More Information
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Rachleff Innovation Award
The Innovation Award is specifically designed to provide funding to extraordinary early career researchers who have an innovative new idea but lack sufficient preliminary data to obtain traditional funding. It is not designed to fund incremental advances. The research supported by the award must be novel, exceptionally creative and, if successful, have the strong potential for high impact in the cancer field. The Stage 1 award will be for two years, $200,000 per year ($400,000 total) with the opportunity for up to two additional years of funding (up to four years total for $800,000). Stage 2 support for years three and four will be granted to those awardees who demonstrate progress on their proposed research during years one and two of the award. More Information
Application Due
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease
The Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) award provides $500,000 over five years to support accomplished investigators at the assistant professor level to study pathogenesis, with a focus on the interplay between human and microbial biology, shedding light on how human and microbial systems are affected by their encounters. This program provides opportunities for assistant professors to bring multidisciplinary approaches to the study of human infectious diseases. The goal of the program is to provide opportunities for accomplished investigators still early in their careers to study what happens at the points where the systems of humans and potentially infectious agents connect. More Information
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance
General Research Grant ProgramThe Foundation is currently accepting proposals for their General Research Grant program, which offers support for projects in drug discovery, drug development and clinical research that advances treatments for FA. Grants of $150K per year for 1 or 2 years will be awarded.  More Information
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance
Postdoctoral Research Award
FARA offers a Postdoctoral Research Award as a mechanism to expand and retain young investigators in the FA biomedical research space. For this application type, the Postdoctoral trainee is the PI of the grant proposal. Postdoctoral trainees should focus their research proposal on projects that fall within FARA Research Priorities, as outlined here. Competitive candidates demonstrate qualities that will enhance FARA's overall enterprise of understanding fundamentals of disease pathology and developing treatments and a cure for FA. $100,000 per year for 1 or 2 years.More Information
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Mentored Research Training Grants
These grants help anesthesiologists develop the skills, preliminary data for subsequent grant applications and research publications needed to become independent investigators. The proposed project must be in basic science, clinical and translational, or health services research. The amount of this award is $250,000 over a two-year period. More Information
Application Due
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Research in Education Grant
This grant advances the careers and knowledge of anesthesiologists interested in improving the concepts, methods and techniques of education in anesthesiology. The REG is focused on developing innovative approaches for anesthesia education. The amount of this award is $100,000 over a two-year period. More Information
Application Due
Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Research Fellowship Grant
The Research Fellowship Grant is intended to provide anesthesiology residents and fellows with the opportunity to obtain significant training in research techniques and scientific methods. The amount of this grant is $75,000 per year for a one-year period. More Information
Application Due
Cancer Research InstituteIrvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.

A panel of scientists drawn from our Scientific Advisory Council rigorously evaluates each candidate, the intended sponsor and training environment, and the nature and feasibility of the proposed project.

The Cancer Research Institute recognizes that getting to the next great breakthrough in cancer treatment will require continued investment in fundamental research and training. CRI, therefore, invites postdoctoral fellows working in both fundamental immunology and tumor immunology to apply for funding.

CRI seeks hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies in both immunology and tumor immunology. The applicant and sponsor should make every effort to demonstrate the potential of the proposed studies to directly impact our understanding of the immune system’s role in cancer. More information

Application due
PfizerInflammation & Immunology

This competitive program seeks to champion patient learning and address educational needs amongst caregivers and patients living with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Individual projects requesting up to $50,000 USD will be considered. The estimated total available budget related to this RFP is $150,000. Project length will be a maximum of 18 months. More Information

Application Due
PfizerAddressing Systemic Drivers of Racial Health Inequities

Through this competitive grant program and RFP process, we aim to support projects addressing structural and systemic drivers of racial and ethnic health disparities via community-engaged research, learning, and change strategies. Specifically, proposals should focus on research and evaluation or developing, implementing, or disseminating interventions (e.g., programs, practices, policies) that have the potential to prevent, reduce or eliminate health disparities.

Individual projects requesting up to a maximum of $250,000 will be considered.The estimated total available budget related to this RFP is $1,200,000. Maximum project length is 2 years. More Information

Applications Due
PfizerDiversity in Postmarketing Drug Safety SurveillanceThrough this RFP we aim to support research studies, either original research or reviews of published literature, that aim to enhance the diversity of postmarketing drug safety surveillance programs. Specifically, Proposals should focus on identifying, quantifying, and defining potential disparities in the safety and effectiveness of medications, vaccines, and medical devices across diverse populations. More Information09/14/2023
Applications Due
PfizerIncreasing Awareness and Understanding of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

This competitive grant program seeks to encourage organizations to submit grant applications for educational activities focused on the diagnosis, management and, treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

Individual projects requesting up to $100,000 will be considered. Pfizer anticipates awarding up to 3 projects. More Information

Applications due
PfizerMultidisciplinary Team Education in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

This competitive grant program seeks to encourage organizations to submit grant applications for mutidisciplinary team educational activities focused on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

Potential applicants are encouraged to identify and address the educational needs of healthcare professionals in order to address the challenges of multidisciplinary teams and increase awareness of DMD treatment, patient assessment, and monitoring through an evidence-based approach.

Individual projects requesting up to $250,000 will be considered. Pfizer anticipates awarding up to 3 projects. More Information

Applications due

Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Innovator Awards

The Kenneth Rainin Foundation believes that early support for innovative ideas can lead to improvements in preventing, predicting, diagnosing and treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Our Health grantmaking enables researchers worldwide to test ideas, gather and share data, and collaborate to advance the understanding of IBD. In 2022, we consolidated our Innovator Awards and Synergy Awards into one grant program—the Innovator Awards.

Innovator Awards support individual research projects with grants of up to $150,000 and collaborative projects involving multiple investigators with grants of up to $300,000. Grantees who demonstrate significant progress are eligible for up to two years of additional support. More Information

Letter of Intent due
Whitehall FoundationGrants-in-AidThe Grants-in-Aid program is designed for researchers at the assistant professor level who experience difficulty in competing for research funds because they have not yet become firmly established. Grants-in-Aid can also be made to senior scientists. All applications will be judged on the scientific merit and innovative aspects of the proposal, as well as on past performance and evidence of the applicant’s continued productivity. Grants-in-Aid are awarded for a one-year period and do not exceed $30,000. The majority of the applications received are for a three-year research grant. More information10/1/2023
Letter of Intent due
Whitehall FoundationResearch GrantsResearch grants are available to established scientists of all ages working at accredited institutions in the United States. Applications will be judged on the scientific merit and the innovative aspects of the proposal as well as on the competence of the applicant. Research grants of up to three years will be provided. A renewal grant with a maximum of two years is possible, but it will be awarded on a competitive basis. Research grants will not be awarded to investigators who have already received, or expect to receive, substantial support from other sources, even if it is for an unrelated purpose. The maximum budget is $100,000 per year for the two- and three-year research grants. More information10/1/2023
Letter of Intent due
PfizerImproving Health Equity in IBD through Disparities Research

This competitive program seeks to support health equity in IBD through disparities research based on findings from Pfizer’s IBD Health Equity Summit at Digestive Disease Week on May 5, 2023 in Chicago, IL.

Our intent with this RFP is to support IBD related research initiatives focused on following:

  • Precision medicine approach which is the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual patient, encompassing a multitude of data-driven (including multi-omic) approaches to foster appropriate clinical decision-making. Examples would include: o Identifying clinical or laboratory characteristics of patients who have mild disease or remain in long-term remission, and studying whether patients with comorbidities have a different disease course
  • Collecting data on access to care for patients from underserved communities in order to tailor treatments more specifically
  • Meta-analysis or Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to further characterise potential differences underrepresented groups vs. general population in terms of disease course or treatment response
  • Research on ways to improve IBD management among underserved groups, such as treat to target approaches
  • Studies quantifying the socio-economic and psycological burden of IBD and its correlation with social determinants of health.

Grant range expected to be from $10,000 to $250,000 USD. Maximum project length is 2 years. More Information

Applications Due
Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research2023 Scientific Scholar Awards and Pilot Study AwardsFederal funding for research is tighter than ever, and often researchers do not get funded on their first try with a new proposal. The purpose of Bridge Funding is to allow researchers to produce data needed to substantiate their proposal resubmission to federal funding agencies for a promising new research project. In order to be competitive, resubmitted proposals must include solid data and address the concerns of expert reviewers. The Rivkin Center provides interim funding of up to $30,000 for six months to researchers who have submitted to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or an original proposal to the Department of Defense (DoD) pertaining to ovarian cancer and who were not funded but received a score close to the funding threshold. With more data, ovarian cancer researchers stand a better chance of being successfully funded with a stronger, resubmitted proposal. More Information
Application Due
Burroughs Wellcome FundCareer Awards for Medical ScientistsThe Career Awards for Medical Scientists is a highly competitive program that provides $700,000 awards over five years for physician-scientists who are committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service. Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research.  Proposals in health services research or involving large-scale clinical trials are not eligible. More information10/17/2023
Application due
Conquer CancerCareer Development AwardThe Career Development Award provides research funding to clinical investigators who have received their initial faculty appointments as they work to establish an independent clinical cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects. Proposals with a predominant focus on in vitro or animal studies (even if clinically relevant) are not allowed. The award is a three-year grant totaling $200,000. More information10/19/2023
Application Due
Group Foundation for Advancing Mental HealthClinical Research Reviews on Group Psychotherapy

The Group Foundation for Advancing Mental Health is calling for grant proposals for original critical research reviews, either qualitative or quantitative (particularly meta-analyses), that focus on some selected area of group psychotherapy. The Group Psychotherapy Foundation is seeking research-focused, rather than program-focused, applications. Grants up to $5,000 are awarded; investigator salaries will not be funded.

More Information

Application Due
Alpha Phi FoundationHeart to Heart Grant

As a women’s organization, Alpha Phi Foundation places special emphasis on women’s heart health. In 1993, Alpha Phi Foundation designed an annual grant—the Heart to Heart Grant—to encourage research and education to lessen the impact of heart disease in women.


Since its inception, the Heart to Heart Grant has invested over $1.58 million into women’s heart health initiatives.

Alpha Phi Foundation announces a single recipient of the $100,000 Heart to Heart Grant every year. More Information



Gerber Foundation2023 Pediatric Research Grants

Priority is given to projects that improve the nutrition, care and development of infants and young children from the first year before birth to three years of age. The Foundation is particularly interested in fresh approaches to solving common, everyday problems or emerging issues within our defined focus areas: pediatric health; pediatric nutrition, and environmental hazards. Major target areas for research include:

  • New diagnostic tools that may be more rapid, more specific, more sensitive, less invasive
  • New treatment regimens that are improved or novel, less stressful or painful, more targeted, have less side effects, provide optimal dosing
  • Symptom relief
  • Preventative measures
  • Assessment of deficiencies or excesses (vitamins, minerals, drugs, etc.)
  • Risk assessment tools or measures for environmental hazards, trauma, etc.

Limit $350,000 on grants with no more than $125,000/year; includes indirect costs. More Information

Concept papers due
Gerber Foundation2023 Novice Pediatric Research Grants

Applications for Novice grants follow the same process as regular grants and are limited to no more than $30,000 in total (inclusive of indirects). They are identified by the amount requested in the application. Eligible applicants include physicians, PhD candidates, PharmD candidates, and other similar degree candidates:

  • in a residency or fellowship training program or those who are no more than one year post training
  • have not received a K award from the National Institutes of Health
  • have an assigned mentor for the project and a current development plan

More Information

Concept papers due
Pilot Projects
Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM)
National COVID Cohort Collaborative N3C
The Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM) listened to its researchers’ needs for resources to access a National Institutes of Health (NIH) big data platform with nearly 8 million COVID-19 case studies, and teams can now apply for up to 250 hours of data analyst services that the ITM will pay for in full.
Teams that otherwise wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the NIH’s National COVID Cohort Collaborative N3C tool will be able to do so without needing someone with data analysis experience on their immediate team.
The funding opportunity is open to all ITM institutions: UChicago, RUSH, Loyola University Chicago, Advocate Aurora Health, NorthShore University HealthSystem, and the Illinois Institute of Technology. More information
Applications Due
Pilot Projects
RUSH Institute for Healthy Aging
Martha Clare Morris Emerging Investigator Award
The Martha Clare Morris Emerging Investigator Award aims to fund early-career investigators focusing on dietary research and cognitive aging. This program aims to provide newly independent investigators with funding that will allow them to develop preliminary or pilot data, test procedures, and develop hypotheses. The intent is to support early-career development that will lay the groundwork for future research grant applications to federal or other funding entities. More information 
Application Due
Pilot Projects
Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network (C3EN)
Research Project Pilot Grant Program
The Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network (C3EN) coordinates a Research Project Pilot Grant Program that aims to expand and cultivate the network of health disparities researchers throughout the Chicago region. Its goal is to provide early stage investigators with funding to obtain compelling pilot data that they can leverage to establish and sustain an NIH-funded program of health disparities research. The C3EN Investigator Development Core will also provide grantees with mentorship from experienced investigators, access to the research infrastructure at both University of Chicago and Rush University Medical Center, and ongoing methodological and biostatistical consultation. More information 
Application Due
Philanthropic International OCD FoundationMultiple Awards

IOCDF Research Grant Program 
In support of its mission, the IOCDF makes annual grant awards to research scientists seeking to advance scientific understanding of OCD and related disorders, improve existing therapies, and discover new and more effective treatments. Since 1994, the IOCDF’s Research Grant Program has awarded almost $11 million in funding support to researchers around the world.

Breakthrough Awards 
This special award category — a grant of up to $500,000 — will support senior researchers pursuing high-impact research into OCD. The goal of the Breakthrough Award is to support research with the potential to revolutionize scientific understanding of OCD, accelerate progress toward new and more effective treatments, and discover ways to prevent OCD from taking hold in the first place. Funding for the Breakthrough Award has been generously provided to the IOCDF by the Selig family.

Applicants must have at least five years of research experience following the completion of their terminal degree. Eligible research projects must investigate topics in the field of OCD, with a focus on finding a cure for OCD. These may include prevention (i.e., keeping OCD from taking hold) and treatment (i.e., effectively achieving significant reduction in symptoms or remission). The award will be for a term of five years, with payments made in annual installments. Any senior researcher pursuing a relevant project is eligible to apply.

Michael Jenike Young Investigator Awards
These are grants of up to $50,000 each. They support promising young investigators who are developing their careers while pursuing creative and impactful research projects on OCD and related disorders across a range of disciplines. To be eligible for funding, researchers must be investigating OCD and related disorders (OCD, including pediatric OCD; PANS/PANDAS; hoarding disorder; body dysmorphic disorder; or body focused repetitive behaviors). Eligible applicants must be current graduate students, or must have completed their residency or their PhD (or equivalent) on or after September 1, 2019. Applicants who are still in training must submit a letter from their mentor with their application.

More Information

Application Due
Philanthropic Ben and Catherine Ivy FoundationIvy Foundation Translational Adult Glioma Grant Award 2024

The Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation Emerging Adult Glioma Award provides grant support to investigators conducting high-impact, high-reward translational research for glioblastoma. This award is intended to support projects designed to contribute to identifying therapies that will impact the survival of patients with brain cancer. This award is for $600,000 over 2 years.

More Information

Application Due
Philanthropic Melanoma Research FoundationMultiple Awards

MRF Breakthrough Consortium Young Investigator Team Award to Advance the Field of Translational Immuno-Oncology (MRFBC) 
The MRFBC Team Award provides funding of up to $150,000 per year for two years to an investigative team whose research focuses on either improving clinical outcomes for patients with melanoma being treated with immuno‐oncology agents or advancing the scientific understanding of immuno‐oncology and the role of the immune system in melanoma. Teams must involve collaborations from at least two different institutions, one of which must be a MRFBC member institution. Further, the proposed PI and all co-PIs must be junior scientists, all of whom have at least one mentor.

Established Investigator Awards (EIA) 
The EIAs provide funding of up to $125,000 per year for two years to established melanoma researchers, or senior researchers working in closely related fields who wish to move into melanoma research.

Career Development Awards (CDA) 
The CDAs provide funding of up to $50,000 per year for two years to junior investigators. Researchers who are beginning a research career focused on melanoma are eligible. This year, in addition to general CDAs, the MRF will offer the MRF Prevention Award in Honor of Teddi Mellencamp/ PREV CDA.

For any additional information or any questions, please email

More Information

Application Due
Philanthropic CureSearch for Children's Cancer ResearchYoung Investigator Award

An opportunity for funding up to $75,000 per year for up to three years. Provides seed support for bright researchers, early in their careers, pursuing exciting and novel research in pediatric oncology.

More Information

Philanthropic Sontag FoundationDistinguished Scientist Awards

This award seeks to provide career and research support to early career scientists who demonstrate outstanding promise for making scientific and medical breakthroughs in the field of brain cancer research. Eligible applicants should be newly appointed faculty members with a doctoral degree. Grants will be awarded to proposals focused on research related to causes, cures or treatments of primary brain tumors/brain cancer. The award provides up to $600,000 in funding over a four-year period.

More Information

Application Due
Philanthropic Damon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationFellowship Award and Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award

The Damon Runyon Fellowship Award supports the training of the brightest postdoctoral scientists as they embark upon their research careers. This funding enables them to be mentored by established investigators in leading research laboratories across the country.

More Information

Application Due
Philanthropic Thrasher Research FundEarly Career Award Program

The purpose of this program is to encourage the development of researchers in child health by awarding small grants to new researchers, helping them gain a foothold in this important area. The goal is to fund applicants who will go on to be independent investigators. The Fund will make up to 32 awards total with two funding cycles (16 awards each).

Research Interests: The Fund is open to a wide variety of research topics. We do not focus on a particular disease, but all our funded projects deal directly with children's health.

In the Early Career Award Program, the Fund is particularly interested in applicants that show great potential to impact that field of children's health through medical research. Both an applicant's aptitude and inclination toward research are considered. The quality of the mentor and the mentoring relationship are also considered to be important predictors of success.

More Information

Proposal Due
PhilanthropicAlex’s Lemonade Stand FoundationReach Research Grant

Significant barriers exist that impede the translation of innovative and important ideas to the clinic. The Reach Grant seeks to remove one of these barriers by providing support for important pre-clinical hypothesis-driven research projects that are necessary to move a study from the preclinical arena into a clinical trial. Thus, the goal of this award is to support translational studies that will result in a phase 1 and/or 2 clinical trial, two to three years from the project end date. Examples of appropriate research projects include but aren’t limited to, completing IND-enabling studies, providing requisite pre-clinical data for clinical trial development, or perhaps through the validation of biomarkers that will enable selection of the correct patients for entry into new clinical trials.

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Proposal Due
PhilanthropicAmerican Academy of Child & Adolescent PsychiatryJunior Investigator Awards

The Junior Investigator Award offers an award of up to $30,000 per year for two years for one child and adolescent psychiatry junior faculty (assistant professor level or equivalent). The program is intended to facilitate innovative research. The research may be basic or clinical in nature but must be relevant to our understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders.

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Application Due
PhilanthropicAmerican Cancer SocietyMultiple Awards

Discovery Boost Grants 
2 years with $135K a year direct costs, plus 10% allowable indirect costs. To fund exploratory research to develop research methodologies, establish feasibility, or pilot test high-risk/high-reward research across the research continuum.

Research Scholar Grants 
Up to 4 years with $215K a year direct costs, plus 10% allowable indirect costs. Investigators within the first 10 years of an initial independent research career or full-time faculty appointment.

Postdoctoral Fellowships 
Fellowships are for investigators within 4 years of having received their doctoral degree. Progressive stipends of $66K, $68K, and $70K for up to 3 years, plus an annual $4K fellowship allowance and $1,500 travel allowance in the final year

Clinical Scientist Development Grant 
Who Can Apply: Full-time faculty who have clinical responsibilities, do not lead an independent research program, and want to be mentored and participate in research training to become an independent clinician scientist.

Funding: 3 to 5 years with $135K direct costs a year, plus 8% allowable indirect costs.

Institutional Research Grants 
Who Can Apply: Awarded to institutions as block grants to provide seed money for newly independent investigators to initiate cancer research projects. The principal investigator of the grant should be a senior faculty member.

Funding: 1 to 3 years with an average of $120K a year, renewable.

Real-World Data Impact Award 
Who Can Apply: Applicants must be an independent researcher at an eligible US academic institution or non-profit. Applicants must have the necessary training and expertise to conduct research projects using de-identified real-world data.

Purpose: Use real-world data to accelerate cancer research that informs public health and public policy, and, ultimately, improve clinical practice.

Funding: 1 year with $75,000 direct costs, no indirect costs allowed

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Application Due
PhilanthropicFoundation for Women’s HealthResearch Awards

FWW Research Awards target small, short-term studies on leading women’s health concerns including cardiovascular disease, female cancers, the role of hormones in disease and stage-of-life health concerns, diseases disproportionately affecting women, and areas where sex differences need clarity.

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Application Due
PhilanthropicOrthopaedic Research and Education FoundationMultiple Awards

OREF Goldberg Arthritis Research Grant This $50,000 award provides seed and start-up funding for promising research projects that address issues related to the treatment of arthritis with an emphasis on arthroplasty.

OREF/ASES Rockwood Clinical Shoulder Research Grant This $50,000 award Provides funding for new investigators to conducting research in the area of shoulder care.

Application Due
Pilot Projects Daiichi SankyoDaiichi Sankyo Sponsored ResearchResearchers affiliated with universities and research institutions, who have ideas which may lead to drug discovery. The program is not open to undergraduate or graduate students. Research Budget: up to $230,000 for one year including overhead/indirect costs Term: 1-3 years. Successful program(s) will be considered for staging into collaborative research. More informationRolling application (until March 2024)
Limited ApplicantDr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research TrustCatalyst Awards ProgramThe Catalyst Research Award Program provides one to two years of seed funding to support high-risk, high-reward projects that address critical scientific and therapeutic roadblocks within the Program’s principal areas of focus. The Program is designed to enable planning and development of projects, teams, tools, techniques and management infrastructure necessary to successfully compete for two-year award through the Transformational Research Award Program. Up to $300,000 seed funding over one to two years will be awarded (inclusive of 10% indirect costs). More information05/04/2023
Registration Due
Other Funding Opportunities Cures Within ReachRepurposing Research to Address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Greater Chicago AreaCures Within Reach is seeking clinical repurposing trials from any research institution in the greater Chicago area to address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), including repurposing clinical trials that EITHER are led by an underrepresented researcher OR address health disparities among underserved patients OR both. While the funded institutions must be in Chicagoland, patients and collaborators can be both within and outside the Chicago area. Clinical trials utilizing telehealth or other remote strategies are encouraged to apply. More information06/26/2023
LOIs Due
Other Funding OpportunitiesAbbVie Ventures2023 AbbVie Innovation Midwest Award

AbbVie Ventures is excited to launch the 2023 AbbVie Innovation Midwest (AIM) awards, our signature event to catalyze the formation of new biotech companies and support a thriving biopharma ecosystem in our backyard. AIM awards will be granted to up to two early-stage biotech companies, offering seed funding under standard industry terms.

AbbVie Ventures is focused on novel science and technology with the potential to generate transformational therapies in areas that align with our strategic areas of interest.

Application core requirements: The AIM award is limited to biotechs (and biotechs-to-be) working on next-generation biologics, small molecules, genetic medicine technologies (including RNA and DNA-based therapies, in situ cellular programming, and gene therapy delivery), and platform technologies for target identification and validation in the following areas:  Immunology, Oncology, Neuroscience, Eye Care and. Genetic Medicine Technologies (RNA and DNA).  Exclusions: Diagnostics, Devices, Research Tools, Nutrition, and Healthcare Services/IT. More information

Application Due
Other Funding OpportunitiesInstitute for Translational MedicineTL1 Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Research, Biomedical Informatics, and Health EquityThe TL1 Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Research, Biomedical Informatics, and Health Equity is a National Research Service Award (NRSA) funded training program comprising participating degree programs at the University of Chicago, Rush University, and Loyola University Chicago.  The program will prepare postdoctoral trainees with clinical (MD, DNP, PharmD, DMD/DDS, etc.) or research degrees (PhD) with the skills to conduct independent and collaborative research that will transform the science and practice of medicine, improve clinical practice and health outcomes, and advance health toward health equity. More information08/01/2023
Application Due
Pilot ProjectsRUSH University Medical CenterRUSH to Progress: Accelerating Research through Pilot AwardsThese awards are designed to encourage translational research by funding innovative, investigator-initiated research projects that could be competitive for future larger grants from a federal or private agency. Proposals must be for basic, translational/clinical, health services or community-focused research. More information

Application RSVP Due

Full Application Due

Pilot ProjectsSwim Across America & Bears CareCancer Research

In the interest of providing seed funds to support cancer research at Rush University Medical Center, Swim Across America (SAA) and Bears Care have committed philanthropic funds to support investigator-initiated research. The intent of these grants is to encourage translational research by funding well-designed projects that could be competitive for future larger grants from a federal or private agency. Early-stage investigators, defined as individuals who do not have or have not previously received NIH R01 or equivalent funding, are encouraged to apply.

  • For Swim Across America, applications are being solicited to conduct innovative translational, basic science, or population-based research relevant to the cause, prevention, diagnosis, cure or improved treatment of cancer.
  • For Bears Care, only breast cancer research projects that are new to Bears Care will be considered.

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Application RSVP Due

Full Application Due

PhilanthropyCancer ResearchGrant ProgramCore grants funding early phase clinical trials for cancers of all types at renowned institutions around the world. These grants are typically 2-5 years in duration with award amounts from $200,000 to $1.5 million. More Information04/18/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyThe Alternatives Research & Development Foundation2024 Open Grant ProgramThis foundation promotes alternatives to the use of laboratory animals in research, testing, and education. The grant program provides opportunities for scientists who have interest and expertise in alternatives research. Preference is given to projects that use pathway-based approaches as exemplified by the 2007 National Academy of Sciences report, Toxicity Testing in the Twenty-first Century: A Vision and A Strategy. This award provides up to $40,000. Funds may not be used for the PI’s salary, fringe benefits, or travel. More Information04/19/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPfizer The PROTEUS ConsortiumThe PROTEUS Consortium (Patient-Reported Outcomes Tools: Engaging Users & Stakeholders) and Pfizer Global Medical Grants are collaborating to offer $100,000 in a grant funding opportunity to support studies investigating the value of using patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in oncology clinical practice for individual patient care. Value in health care is the measured benefits from the patient, institutional, or societal perspective relative to the cost of achieving those benefits. More Information4/25/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPfizer Local Level Educational Grants Program to Increase Awareness & Understanding of Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM)This competitive program seeks to encourage organizations to submit $20,000 grant applications for local level educational activities focused on healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of heart failure patients at risk for TTR Amyloidosis. More Information04/30/2024
Application Due
Philanthropylsa U. Pardee FoundationElsa U. Pardee Foundation Research GrantThe Elsa U. Pardee Foundation funds research to investigators in United States non-profit institutions proposing research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. The Foundation funds projects for a one-year period which will allow the establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. It is anticipated that this early-stage funding by the Foundation may lead to subsequent and expanded support using government agency funding. Project relevance to cancer detection, treatment, or cure should be clearly identified. By design, there are no limits set on the grant amount that can be requested. It must be reasonable and clearly supported by the scope of the project outlined in the application. Applications requesting more than 5% overhead are usually not considered. Papers verifying nonprofit status and relevant human subject and experimental animal treatment approvals from the recipient institution will be requested prior to project initiation. A final report summarizing financial expenditure and research achievement is required. More Information4/30/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyAcumedFellowship GrantFellowship grants are available to accredited academic programs. Fellowship Grants support clinical fellowship programs and may be used to subsidize a clinical fellow. Programs can request preapproval of other direct educational expenses at if subsidizing a clinical fellow is not possible. Acumed’s intent is to encourage the highest quality academic programs to best advance the medical profession. Applications are reviewed against established objective criteria and not on the use, order, or purchase of any products or services of Acumed. Grant recipient institutions must represent and warrant that the receipt of funds will not affect professional judgment. To manage our budget and to ensure Acumed can fund as many worthwhile programs as possible, we limit the awarding of Fellowship Grants to once per calendar year. More Information05/01/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyFoundation for Physical Medicine and RehabilitationScott Nadler PASSOR Musculoskeletal Research Grants Application Criteria

This $30,000 award is a short-term seed grant for research in topics related to musculoskeletal rehabilitation in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Award will be presented during the AAPM&R Annual Assembly.

Information about the grant recipient and his/her paper may be published in the Foundation UPDATE Newsletter and/or other publications. Additional items may be included in electronic and print materials produced by the Foundation for PM&R. More Information

Application Due
PhilanthropyIllinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness2024 Research GrantsISPB offers unique grant opportunities supporting mentored pre-clinical or clinical research programs designed to foster junior investigator development while advancing clinical care in ophthalmology and optometry. Preference is given to high-quality grant submissions from applicants (PI) that are at the start of their career, including medical students, residents, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, assistant professors, and other junior faculty in the ophthalmology and optometry fields. Students must be currently enrolled full-time at an accredited Illinois institution of higher education or postdoctoral fellows/residents that are within seven years after receiving their advanced degree (MD, OD, PhD). Students, postdoctoral fellows, and residents are required to have a faculty mentor involved with their research. More Information05/10/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyBrain Aneurysm Foundation2024 Research Grant ProgramThe Foundation is accepting applications for basic scientific research in early detection, improved treatment modalities, and technological advances for improving outcomes of patients with brain aneurysms as well as projects that are translational, clinical/outcome, early detection, imaging, and SAH/SAH complications focused. Any project with the potential to advance basic scientific, translational, and clinical brain aneurysm research will be considered. Grants will be awarded this year in varying amounts ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 each. More Information05/11/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPfizer 2024 Headache Medicine FellowshipIt is our intent to support headache medicine fellowship programs at institutions with clinical training programs that have a strong organizational focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion and a strong training focus on clinical practice, research, and education with a 1 year $80,000 award. More InformationApplication Due
PhilanthropyPfizer Increasing Awareness and Understanding of Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR -CM)This competitive program seeks to encourage organizations to submit grant applications for $100,00 for educational activities focused on healthcare professionals involved in the suspicion, diagnosis and treatment of heart failure patients at risk for TTR Amyloidosis. More InformationApplication Due
PhilanthropyFriedreich’s Ataxia Research AllianceGeneral Research Grant ProgramThe Foundation is currently accepting proposals for their General Research Grant program, which offers support for projects in drug discovery, drug development and clinical research that advances treatments for FA. Grants of $50K per year for 1 or 2 years will be awarded.  More Information05/15/2024
PhilanthropySwim Across AmericaGene Editing Innovation Grant

was founded in 1987 with a mission of funding cancer research and patient programs. Our ability to award grants to our mission comes from survivors and volunteers who participate in our charity swims and other programs we host. We additionally receive donations from individuals and families who want to fund grants through our Cancer Innovation Fund (CIF). Since our establishment, we have awarded $100M to cancer research and patient programs.

SAA is awarding two (2) research grants focused on gene and base editing techniques and seeking applications for review and consideration. Research proposals should focus on application and/or improvement of current gene editing techniques in advancing cancer research including early detection, diagnostics, and treatments including targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and cellular therapies.

To view the complete RFA read more.


Pfizer Independent Medical Education RFP

Advances in Migraine Management

This $200,000 competitive program seeks to encourage organizations to submit grant applications for educational activities focused on healthcare professionals involved in the management and care of people with migraine. More Information05/30/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPfizerQuality Improvement Grants to Support Development of Cardiac Amyloid CentersThis competitive grant program seeks to support the development of emerging cardiac amyloid centers through funding healthcare quality improvement initiatives in areas of higher need. More Information6/03/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyCures Within ReachResearch to Address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the Chicago Area (Various Tracks)

CWR is accepting budgets of up to $100,000 for Chicago-based clinical repurposing trials. PIs can apply to one or more separate RFP tracks: DEI, Early Stage Investigators, Pediatrics and/or Veterans / Military.

More information

LOI deadline

To apply, contact Erin Shelp, Senior Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations.

PhilanthropyThe Vilcek FoundationCreative Promise PrizeThe Vilcek Foundation will award three Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise of $50,000 each to young, immigrant biomedical scientists who demonstrate outstanding early achievement. More Information06/12/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPrevent Cancer FoundationGrant ApplicationThe goal of the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s research program is to identify and to provide seed funding for innovative projects with the potential to make substantial contributions to cancer prevention or early detection. To advance the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s bold goal to reduce cancer deaths by 40% by 2035, the Foundation is proud to support research projects dedicated to increasing cancer prevention and early detection. By funding the most promising research, including fellowship projects led by early career scientists, we contribute to important advances in cancer prevention and early detection. More Information06/14/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPrevent Cancer FoundationFellowship Application

Fellowships will be awarded for two years at $50,000 per year, for a total of $100,000.

The goal of the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s research program is to identify and to provide seed funding for innovative projects with the potential to make substantial contributions to cancer prevention or early detection. To advance the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s bold goal to reduce cancer deaths by 40% by 2035, the Foundation is proud to support research projects dedicated to increasing cancer prevention and early detection. By funding the most promising research, including fellowship projects led by early career scientists, we contribute to important advances in cancer prevention and early detection. More Information

Application Due
PhilanthropyConquer CancerCareer Development AwardThe Career Development Award provides research funding to clinical investigators who have received their initial faculty appointments as they work to establish an independent clinical cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects. Proposals with a predominant focus on in vitro or animal studies (even if clinically relevant) are not allowed. The award is a three-year grant totaling $200,000. More information06/17/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyHelen Hay Whitney FoundationPostdoctoral Research FellowshipsCandidates who hold, or are in the final stages of obtaining a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree and are seeking beginning postdoctoral training in all basic biomedical research are eligible to apply for a fellowship. This is a three-year fellowship that provides an annual $68K-$72K stipend and $1.5K research allowance. A two-day meeting of fellows is held in November of each year and travel expenses incurred are covered by the foundation. More Information06/15/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPfizerTransthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis FellowshipThis competitive program seeks to promote the importance of training healthcare professionals to recognize and diagnose ATTR cardiac amyloidosis and to foster research in this field with a 1 year $80,000 award. More Information06/20/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyLittle Giraffe Foundation2024 Neonatal Research Initiative


$5,000-$10,000. Research may address either the long-term or immediate health needs caused by premature birth or identify causes and means of preventing this condition. Appropriate research subjects include basic biological processes governing development, genetics, clinical studies, reproductive health, environmental toxicology, and social and behavioral studies. More Information

PhilanthropyThe Hope Foundation for Cancer ResearchThe SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact AwardThe SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award is a funding program from The Hope Foundation that encourages novel and innovative SWOG research by supporting early and conceptual stages of these projects. The work proposed should use resources from completed SWOG trials or be directly translatable to clinical trials in SWOG and the NCTN in the foreseeable future. Individual projects are funded for up to $250,000 (total cost) and may be spent over a 2-year award period. Funding for smaller feasibility projects that are critical to the conduct of future SWOG trials are also encouraged. Indirect costs are included in the total award and limited to a rate of 25%. More Information07/01/2024
PhilanthropyAmerican Psychological FoundationMarian R. Stuart GrantThe APF is offering grants up to $20,000 to further the research, practice, or education of an early career psychologist on the connection between mental and physical health, particularly for work that contributes to public health. Applicants must be no more than 10 years post-doctoral. More Information07/10/2024
Full Proposal Due
Pilot ProjectRUSH University Medical CenterResearch Catalyst AwardApplications for bridge funding will be accepted from researchers who have recently received strong, competitive scores on R- or P-type grants from federal granting agencies (e.g. NIH, DOD, NSF, NAS), yet just missed the pay lines. Innovative translational, basic science, clinical, population-based or health services research will be supported. The intent of this program is to support talented investigators who are likely to develop sustainable and impactful research programs by providing resources to bridge intervals in which the investigator does not have federal funding. This program will be periodically evaluated to determine its effectiveness. More informationRolling
PhilanthropyPrevent Cancer FoundationGrant ApplicationThe goal of the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s research program is to identify and to provide seed funding for innovative projects with the potential to make substantial contributions to cancer prevention or early detection. To advance the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s bold goal to reduce cancer deaths by 40% by 2035, the Foundation is proud to support research projects dedicated to increasing cancer prevention and early detection. By funding the most promising research, including fellowship projects led by early career scientists, we contribute to important advances in cancer prevention and early detection. More Information06/14/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyPrevent Cancer FoundationFellowship Application

Fellowships will be awarded for two years at $50,000 per year, for a total of $100,000.

The goal of the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s research program is to identify and to provide seed funding for innovative projects with the potential to make substantial contributions to cancer prevention or early detection. To advance the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s bold goal to reduce cancer deaths by 40% by 2035, the Foundation is proud to support research projects dedicated to increasing cancer prevention and early detection. By funding the most promising research, including fellowship projects led by early career scientists, we contribute to important advances in cancer prevention and early detection. More Information

Application Due
PhilanthropyConquer CancerCareer Development AwardThe Career Development Award provides research funding to clinical investigators who have received their initial faculty appointments as they work to establish an independent clinical cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects. Proposals with a predominant focus on in vitro or animal studies (even if clinically relevant) are not allowed. The award is a three-year grant totaling $200,000. More information06/17/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyFoundation for Anesthesia Education and ResearchMentored Research Training GrantsThese grants help anesthesiologists develop the skills, preliminary data for subsequent grant applications and research publications needed to become independent investigators. The proposed project must be in basic science, clinical and translational, or health services research. The amount of this award is $250,000 over a two-year period. More Information08/15/2024
Application Due
PhilanthropyFoundation for Anesthesia Education and ResearchResearch Fellowship GrantThe Research Fellowship Grant is intended to provide anesthesiology residents and fellows with the opportunity to obtain significant training in research techniques and scientific methods. The amount of this grant is $100,000 per year for a one-year period. More Information08/15/2024
Application Due