Roughly one third of young children living in Chicago’s West Side communities show signs of early social, emotional, behavioral and/or developmental concerns. Building Early Connections (BEC) seeks to directly address these needs by developing integrated systems of care and expanding effective behavioral interventions for the most common early childhood concerns, including anxiety, trauma/coping, challenging behavior and developmental concerns.
Building Early Connections Center
The Building Early Connections (BEC) Center is an interdisciplinary clinical, training and research center that seeks to improve early systems of care in Chicago for the most common childhood mental health concerns related to healthy development, social impairments, and externalizing and/or internalizing symptoms.
BEC, funded by a 5-year SAMSHA grant, capitalizes on exciting research demonstrating the power of early childhood psychosocial interventions that result in profound and lasting treatment effects during a period of the greatest neuroplasticity in development.