Research Responsibilities
The Division of Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery has a robust research program with ample opportunities for the fellow to conduct impactful research. Particular areas of research focus include role of microbiome in CRS, structured histopathology and CRS endotypes, outcomes for skull base pathology, cancer registry studies (SEER, NCDB), and genomic profiling for sinonasal cancer (Tempus). Multiple FDA and investigator-initiated trials are also ongoing at any time. The department has two dedicated research coordinators to assist with IRB compliance and other regulatory aspects of research. Statistical support is provided by faculty mentors with additional support available through the Rush Biostatistics Core. The fellow is expected to generate minimum of two original peer-review manuscripts during the year. Presentation at regional and national meetings is encouraged with funding provided through the department.
Educational Responsibilities
The fellow participates in departmental educational activities, including monthly grand rounds, monthly journal club, monthly morbidity and mortality conference, and weekly head and neck tumor board (selectively). Specific rhinology educational activities include semiannual rhinology education day, quarterly airway conference, and quarterly skull base conference. The fellow also participates in departmental annual CME course. The fellow will teach at rhinology conferences and mentor residents working on rhinology research. The fellow will also supervise residents in the OR, clinic, and staff consults. The fellow is offered the option to attend the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy basic course. This will be supported through departmental funding.
Dedicated Skull Base Lab
The department has launched a dedicated state-of-the-art skull base lab through philanthropic funding. The fellows and residents have full access to the lab for conducting endoscopic sinus and skull base dissections for educational and research purposes.
Call Responsibilities
The fellow participates in the attending call schedule and is expected to take call approximately 4 weeks over the course of the year.