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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Rush University is committed to increasing the number of doctors from under-represented minorities. We see diversity as a strength and essential in helping all of our trainees, regardless of background, to work more effectively and compassionately with their colleagues and patients. We also recognize that because of our hospital’s unique location in one of America’s most segregated cities, we have the privilege of caring for marginalized and underserved populations who have been the victims of systemic racism in medicine for far too long. Importantly, to take advantage of this opportunity and provide equitable care to these patients, our training program understands that we must first challenge our own biases. In addition to patient care and advocacy, our residents have the opportunity to participate in DEI initiatives meant to increase awareness and promote equity and inclusivity, including DEI-related didactics, book clubs, and/or participation in formal DEI committees within the departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Pediatrics. 

Learn more about diversity and inclusion in GME